2014. május 24., szombat

Volunteering Abroad Questions

Hey, r/travel. I wasn't sure where to post this thread, but I have a couple of questions about volunteering abroad.

So a friend and I decided to go volunteering abroad this summer. We both love to travel (since we've lived in different places our whole lives), and it would be a brand new experience for both of us.

We are planning on going through a company called IVHQ and they offer pretty cheap program fees. We want to go for a week in the summer to Peru but it's a toss up between Lima or Cusco. The program fee for Lima is cheaper by around $100, but Cusco is close to Macchu Picchu and we could possibly go for a day trip after our volunteering. My questions were:

  1. We need to be back to deal with university, moving and jobs, but is it worth it to go for a week?

  2. Are there any other companies that charge no program fees? IVHQ charges a program fee, registration fee and mandatory insurance plus a 5% currency conversion (USD to CAD), and well, it adds up.

  3. Has anyone had any experience in volunteering in Peru? How was it?

Thanks in advanced!