2014. május 24., szombat

Traveling through Europe for a month and a half, suggestions appreciated.

Hey everybody, I know many places in Europe already: Madrid, Rome, Florence, Venice, London, Paris, Geneva, Berlin, Amsterdam.

I am going to make a trip to Europe prior to the start of my exchange studies there and was deciding on where to go. Here is the current plan:

Barcelona - 3 nights

Nice, France - 2 nights

Milan - 2 nights

Cinque Terre - 2 nights

Napoli - 2 nights

Dubrovinik - 3 nights

Pula - 2 nights

Budapest - 3 nights

Prague - 3 nights

Vienna - 2 nights

Innsbruck - 2 nights

Currently my main concern is the order of the last cities. I know I have to leave from Prague or Budapest since I've already check and Ryanair offers flights to London for like 20-30 euros.

Basically, any type of suggestion is welcomed. Will I be jumping from place to place too much? Is there a place that doesn't require 3 nights, or a place that I should invest more time into? Perhaps I'm missing a great place? I've been told that Warsaw or Krakow are spectacular, trying to see if I can find a way to fit it into the trip. I've also been told that Napoli is a love/hate city for many, although I'm thinking of spending a day at Pompeii and seeing the ruins there.

It's kinda ironic, Europe has so many ruins and castles that you stop thinking so greatly about them when each city recommends its own Cathedral or roman ruins.

A friend told me that Nice and Pula might be mostly beaches and that the cities aren't that fun to see, any insight on this?

Thanks for all the help.