2014. május 26., hétfő

One last check before I head out

Heading to London and going to tour all around Europe for a couple weeks. Will probably return, but still need to sell my car and pack all stuff into storage. This is a test run.

So I am landing in London, and probably want to head towards amsterdam. I will probably be getting in around noon, and I'm just not sure how things go down once you land. I have an iphone 5s with Verizon, so it is unlocked and I can get a local sim, although I'm not sure I'll even need it. I would just need to figure out how to contact a hostel if needed, either in London or Amsterdam. I guess I can always just find one via wifi and call it on viber or figure out where to get a sim and call that way if viber doesn't work. Just not quite sure how it's going to go down. If anyone could ease my mind about that, I would be grateful.