2014. május 24., szombat

Need help for the route between dallas/austin to albuquerque

I'm a 20 years old Dane who has now been backpacking 1,5 months trough the US. Now I've comed to Austin which I'm going to stay in for about a week. I travel by busses (mostly greyhound) and tries always to stay at hostels. Two times I have stayed on cheap motels, so it is not a problem. When I'm done in Austin i would like to go to Albuquerque, but I don't know which route will fit me the most. Of course I can take the greyhound directly from either Austin or Dallas to Albuquerque, but it might seems too long, boring and expencive. So do some of you guys know any great cities to stay for 1 or 2 nights? I have looked at El Paso, but that is still a long trip by buss. Please help, because I don't know where I should go, and don't want to miss out on something great :)