2014. május 26., hétfő

Looking for Scandinavian inspiration!!

Hi, soooo, I'm trying to plan an awesome trip to Denmark, Sweden and Norway next august! This may seem like it's a bit far away, however due to the nature of my work, I might be able to do it sooner!! Basically I'm on a mission to visit every European country at some point in my life, but because I end up getting time off in bulk I plan itineraries, predicted costs and all other stuff in advance, then when I know I'll get some time off I pick the plan that fits best! Anyway, back on topic, I'm looking for some outside-of-the-box ideas for this trip. I've heard (and seen pictures) that hiking in Northern Sweden and Norway is incredible!

Stuff you should know: I'll have a maximum of 3 weeks plus a few days if needs be!). I have no idea what my budget will be, but I have £1300 saved at the moment, and will hopefully have more than that this time next year! Will almost certainly be travelling alone.

So far the current list of places I was going to go and see are:









I have a few ideas about what to see and do in these places. Also under consideration are Tromso, Aarhus, Aalborg, Olso and Malmo. These would depend on time constraints. As i said before, I would very much like to get out of the cities and see the wonderfulness that is Northern Norway and Sweden. Which cities or towns would be a good base to start from with this. What areas are particularly stunning? I know very little about the area to be honest, so any suggestions of what to do, where to go or anything would definitely be appreciated, considered and researched!!
