2014. május 26., hétfő

Europe for 5 Weeks - 8 Countries/16 cities. Is it doable?

So my GF and I are in the initial stages of planning a 5 week backpacking trip to Europe next summer after I finish my Masters. We will be leaving roughly around mid-May.

As of now our budget for everything is maximum $4,500.

Rough itinerary

Ireland: Dublin - [Belfast]

Britain: Glasgow - London

Netherlands: Amsterdam

Germany: Berlin - Munich

Czech Republic: Prague

Italy: Rome - Venice - Milan (maybe Florence?)

Spain: Barcelona

France: Nice - Marseilles - Paris

The main question I have is, is the scale of our trip doable, both time and finance-wise? We are looking to spend around 5 days each in the big destinations of London/Paris/Rome and around 2-3 days in the other locations. We plan on couchsurfing (know friends in several locations) and hostels for the rest.

Any help/tips/criticisms/etc. would be appreciated!