Today is my birthday, and as I sit here in Montana, staring at my ceiling, watching it shimmy in the subtlest way (suppose I should have had sleep instead of caffeine), I realize that this summer is my last shot to figure out this crazy blue ball.
So! Here's the deal: I am in a wheelchair; I have a Master's in School Counseling (BS in Psychology); I'm going to pull out $5k and for the next three months, I'm going to travel across the country and finally meet everyone I need to meet to put it together. There will be singing, there will be writing, there will be drawing, there will be talking -- seriously.
Now this is really just a feeler, and perhaps this isn't even the right subreddit to ask, but is there anyone interested in showing me their piece of the world, and letting me crash on their couch for a day or two along the way? If you're worried about me murdering you in your sleep, I'm 4'3'', so it would be the most adorable homicide. And if you get it on film, you'll be guaranteed viral star status.
Just how feasible is this?