My SO and I will be embarking on our RTW trip in 6 weeks and was wondering if any of you frugal fellows had any tips for these 3 cities. I think it's just the fact that it'll be my first time traveling through Europe at I'n worried about how expensive everything will be. I currently live in Korea and have traveled all around Asia so I guess I'm just used to Asian prices. We've already booked our accommodations at cheap but well-reviewed hostels and 1 bnb apartment so we have that taken care of. I was planning on opening a charles scwhab checking account to save money on the atm fees but the process got messed up since I'm not in the usa right now. Is it possible to use my American capitalone credity card in those 3 cities? I read most European cities use pin type credit cards. We also plan to cook as much as possible and take advanage of any free entertainment that we stumble upon. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!