2014. május 30., péntek

Flying Tel Aviv > Prague > Oslo > Chicago. Could anyone recommend a travel agency please?

Hello, kind people.

I'm a 24 year old Norwegian guy, living in Oslo. This august I'm gonna be travelling with a friend of mine from Chicago who just hosted me over there. We're pretty close and she helped me out with some of the expenses. Now I want to return the favor, and am currently looking at options to find the most affordable one. Here in Norway, travel agencies seem to be working differently than in the US. They get different prices for one-way flights and therefore, travels such as this one (Tel Aviv to Prague to Oslo to Chicago) becomes much cheaper than ordering the tickets as a private person.

Now, my friend is trying to order tickets, but would prefer to do so through an american company. Does anyone know of a company that fits my earlier description that she can call?

Any help would be much appreciated. Sorry if this is a stupid question, googling yielded no results! :(

Thanks in advance

  • Norwegian guy, 24