2014. május 29., csütörtök

Emigration Project:, Connecting the emigration generation

Please share with friends abroad.

It's not where you are it's what you have to say

If you, friend or family member have emigrated get involved in the Scio project by tweeting something you miss about Ireland or some differences or great things about the country you have emigrated to or anything at all using the #ItsMyEire

All contributions are very much appreciated

Our aim is provide a comforting connection between those who have have emigrated with friends and family back home and to visualise the Irish diaspora living and working away from home. which will provide a link back to Irish culture. To do we have divided Scio into two parts an interactive app and installation.

Installation: The installation is a touch table. The interface will be a data visualisation which will represent a map of the world, where the user will be able to click on a continent of their choosing. This will display the messages which emigrants, family, friends and the general public have sent using a Twitter hashtag that have been tweeted from that continent and view Irish migration facts. We are in talks with the DAA for a permanent housing.

App: The app has a graphical representation of our installation where the user will be able to interact with tree such as viewing messages that people have sent using a Twitter hashtag eg #ItsMyEire and also send messages to the tree installation. The app will also have an instant messaging feature in which they can message their contacts.

In doing so we are hoping you would like to help in generating and promoting our unique hashtag so we have an app representation of the Irish diaspora.

The app will be available to download for andriod within the week