Well as the titel says. I'am 22 years old and I have allways wanted to backpack through Asia and since i don't have any friends who share that intrest I have decided to do it by myself.
The only worries i have is being mugged or potentionally just get bored. I have no time frame for the trip at all the only thing is that I want to be away for atleast a year and keep on traveling untill i run out of money.
The places i want to visit is Vietnam Thailand China Singapore Malasyia Philipeans and Japan.
I have a budget on around 200 000 sek (30 000 dollars) I feel like this should be enough to substain myself for a year in Asia but i have no idea. (How long can i afford to stay in each place?)
And since im pretty new to traveling aswell (Been to a forgein country maybe 10 times in my life so far) And allways with parrents or relatives.
Is there any possibility of running into other backpackers and maybe ''team up'' so to speak?.
I appologize for the bad spelling in advance.