2014. június 25., szerda

My girlfriend and I are looking to travel in early August

I just graduated from college and have some money and free time this summer. My girlfriend and I are both 21 and looking to experience something rare before I start working my new job. To be honest, I'm partial to Barcelona, Prague and Thailand. I have a close friend in Thailand who I may not get the chance to see again for a long time, and he tells me I'd love it, but I'm not too sure for safety concerns. I'm going to format this exactly like u/burn-after-redditing did so it'll make it easier to explain

Where we've already travelled - Not anywhere crazy. Mexico and Canada. Seen most of the US

Length - 9 Days

Budget - $6000 (this includes flights). More than willing to stay in hostels

Climate - Doesn't really matter.

Interests - Seeing a diverse culture. Thriving nightlife. Most importantly: SCENERY. We'd prefer a beach/tropical type of scenery, but anything better than the desert is good for us.

Safety - We don't want our safety to be severely at risk. She is part Filipino, I'm as white as can be. I don't expect to be able to let my guard down, but I don't want to have an unnecessarily high risk. My girlfriend speaks Tagalog and a little Spanish. I speak barely any Spanish, basically enough to survive a Spring Break trip to Mexico :)

Thanks for the help.