Hey all!
Long time lurker here. Travelling to Europe in the next few weeks for the first time and thoroughly confused.
My company is sending me to Berlin for a conference (which runs from 21-27 July), and so I decided to take a few days extra off, to do some sight seeing, and may be some more travelling. Hence, I booked such that I reach Berlin 18th July in the morning, spend a few (3) days sight seeing, then attend the conference for a week, and after the conference, head out to Rome for 4 days, and then return.
Past few days though, as I was checking on things to do in Berlin, I realize there is a LOT. I'm a history buff, so love museums, lately been interested in photography, so there is that, and from what I can see, there are some great places quite close to Berlin where you could go treking or picnicing by the lakes. I'd love to do these things, and that makes me realize that may be I should not visit Rome, and just spend more time in Berlin.
Just wanted some advice if that makes sense, or will I be bored by the end.
Sorry for the wall of text, but any inputs would be much appreciated. Thanks!