2014. június 29., vasárnap

Need advice. The thought of home already making me feel like a square peg in a round hole.

I've only been away for two months - just India and Nepal. I have 23 more days and I'm already feeling alienated from home. I'm just not interested. The country is nice, the city is nice, my friends are nice, my family is nice. They haven't done anything wrong. It just seems dull to me. I hate even typing that because it reads like such a dick thing to say. I should be thankful right? I've never had it like this on any other trip. I've always looked forward to going home, but this time it seems different. The extremeness of the places I've been to just make it feel like I'm leaving a world of vibrancy and going back to a world of black and white. I know this is stupid but if there's anyone out there that has advice this, it would really help.