2014. június 26., csütörtök

Poll: On average how long do you spend researching travel before finalizing your itinerary?

I'm involved with a startup that's looking to cut down the stress & time involved planning travel.

There's been research in the past from Google that suggests that people take on average 20+ days to get to a final booking.

Clearly people don't spend all of their waking hours on this. I'm hoping it's ok to just conduct a little (unscientific) poll on this How long do you think they take on average to research information (which could be online only or a combination of online/offline) prior to finalizing an itinerary (and granted that each trip you plan is different)

Which of these buckets would you put yourself into?

a) 0-1 hour b) 1-5 hours c) 5-10 hours d) 10+ hrs

I'm safely in the 10+ hour bucket btw.
