So my girlfriend and I have been thinking about and saving for a trip for some time now. After thinking for months we have decided we would like to go to Greece. Now we have never really traveled before so we are new to the concept. I was thinking of a themed trip based on the Peloponnesian war. I was wondering if there are some lesser known locations that we could visit to avoid tourist traps. Now what I am conflicted about is the urge to to visit popular landmarks like the Parthenon. I want to see these locations but I'm afraid to visit these places because of the fragile state they are in and how other tourist will ruin it for me. This trip would mean a lot to me for many reasons, so I want to visit locations that are full of history but are lesser known so I can take it all in and not be rushed. If there are any tips on guides or other info I would be over joyed to hear it. Thank you for the help and happy travels!!