Hi hi, I am booking a trip from San Diego to Sweden (the trip is in the middle of October). I´m kind of restricted in which flights I pick (booking through a specific company whether I like it or not), but I found two similar itineraries.
One of the itineraries goes via DFW, in Dallas, the other one goes via ORD, Chicago O´Hare. The flight times are similar, the time to change planes is similar. Both flights go to the same place and arrive at similar times. Wednesday evening.
So I wonder if you can give me information about these airports, about if one of them is more horrible than the other one (I´m thinking of the risk of missing flights, ending up in security check queue hell, how well they deal with things if something goes wrong, etc.) I don´t know much about those airports at all, so I would be very happy for any info you can give me.
(Of course I´ll have travel insurance and I´ll get to Sweden somehow, but I want to try to make it as smooth as possible).