2016. július 7., csütörtök

Your software is Vitamin or Painkiller?

How to Quickly Tell If Your Software Product Idea Will Be Successful : http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/411-How-to-Quickly-Tell-If-Your-Software-Product-Idea-Will-Be-Successful.html The dream of many software developers is to create their own business, so they can work for themselves all the time instead of working for others. So they start thinking of ideas for new software products, but they are never certain of which ideas will be successful. So they often pick one idea they like and then start working it. After many months they launch it but often the product does not have the traction they hoped. This is what is called the shot in the dark. The dream turns into a frustration. I have found myself in this situation many times, so I thought to myself that there should be a way to avoid the frustration.