2014. július 25., péntek

Best area to stay in greece at the end of october

During the last week of october me and my gf (both 20) are going to greece for a week. Our needs and wants are nothing unusual, we want beach, good food, a few options for sightseeing and/or adventures. Our interests are very open, everything from clubbing to rock-climbing to renting mopeds to diving is interesting.Our budget for the week is roughly 200-500€ per person for food and accomidation, leaning closer towards 500 if we find lots of activities.

What area did you visit? Where did you stay? (close to beach/activities/night clubs/resturant, etc?) Was it exspensive or cheap? Did you enjoy it? Tell me any recomendation or the opposite.

Also, first post so is there anything i missed?