2017. május 8., hétfő

I have a Great mobile app idea ....

1. Validate Your Idea BUDGET: $0 USD Before you begin, examine whether you have: • Clearly identified the value of your app. • Clearly identified your target audience. • Clearly identified your solution and its value. Episode one: What do I do with a mobile app idea? : https://www.freelancer.com/community/articles/what-does-your-mobile-app-idea-and-a-nutella-croissant-have-in-common 2. Spec It Out BUDGET: $0-200 USD You need to decide on the design and technical specs of your app. What about the UX and UI design? Which platforms? How will it make you money? There are so many things to consider. Luckily, we've put together a guide. Episode 2: You’ve validated your app. Now what? : https://www.freelancer.com/community/articles/mobile-app-specs 3. Get a Prototype & Test it BUDGET: $250-500 USD Prototyping allows you to visually 'play' with your ideas and concepts, while providing invaluable feedback. Not sure how to build a prototype? Save yourself the headache and get one of our expert developers to do it for you! 4. Get It Built BUDGET: $250-1500 USD This is where you finally turn your dream into a reality. Developing an app elsewhere is expensive. At Freelancer.com you'll get the best talent for the lowest price.

2017. április 24., hétfő

Paypal : Report a suspicious email or website

“Phishing” is an illegal attempt to "fish" for your private, sensitive data. One of the most common phishing scams involves sending an email that fraudulently claims to be from a well-known company (like PayPal). https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/security/report-problem Forward the entire email to spoof@paypal.com. Do not alter the subject line or forward the message as an attachment. Delete the suspicious email from your inbox. *************************** I got this suspicious email: Dear Customer, We need your help resolving an issue with your account. Thus, we have temporarily limited what you can do with your account until the issue is resolved. We understand it may be frustrating not to have full access to your account. We want to work with you to get your account back to normal as quickly as possible. How can you help ? It's usually quite straight forward to take care of these things. Most of the time, we just need some more information about your account or latest transactions. Log In To My Account Yours sincerely,. *************************

2017. április 21., péntek

Scratch 2 on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xubuntu)

https://scratch.mit.edu/scratch2download/ Installing Scratch 2 on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 64 bit http://programmingexplorer.weebly.com/blog/installing-scratch-2-on-ubuntu-linux-1404-64-bit Adobe Air install Ubuntu 16.04 AdobeAir is now available for Ubuntu 16.10/16.04/14.04/12.04/Linux Mint 18/17/13 [Updated] http://www.noobslab.com/2015/05/adobeair-is-now-available-for-ubuntu.html >>>64bit Terminal Commands: wget -O adobe-air_amd64.deb http://drive.noobslab.com/data/apps/AdobeAir/adobeair_2.6.0.2_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i adobe-air_amd64.deb sudo apt-get install -f && rm adobe-air_amd64.deb THIS solved the Adobe air intall+permission problem: How to run/execute an adobe AIR file on Linux (ec2/ubuntu) from command line only (no gui) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19261098/how-to-run-execute-an-adobe-air-file-on-linux-ec2-ubuntu-from-command-line-onl my command: bluesman@bluesman-Vostro-1015:~$ sudo airinstall /home/bluesman/Downloads/Scratch-454.air

Banjo tab

How to play Foggy Mountain Breakdown http://www.banjoben.com/Foggy%20Mountain%20page.htm

2017. április 14., péntek

How I Made My Own iPhone - in China - beautiful China

I built a like-new(but really refurbished) iPhone 6S 16GB entirely from parts I bought in the public cell phone parts markets in Huaqiangbei. And it works! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leFuF-zoVzA Nem szórakozott, összerakott magának egy iPhone 6S-t http://wesko.blog.hu/2017/04/13/nem_szorakozott_osszerakott_maganak_egy_iphone_6s-t

2017. április 13., csütörtök

Do you want to be  Billionaire Programmer or Miserable Man or Woman? : https://www.instagram.com/miserable_men/

Web development 2017

Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017 : https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap

Uninstall Microsoft Office

Can't install Office 2013 in Windows 10 : https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_install-mso_mobile/cant-install-office-2013-in-windows-10/a7448e24-1ba7-4949-a61c-ac5abf2e2cdc

ionic 3 here

Ionic 3 is officially here, which is great news. If you've been following my blog and emails then you probably know that this isn't as scary as it sounds, Ionic 3 is just a major update - not a totally new framework like Ionic 2 was. It's very simple to upgrade an Ionic 2 application to Ionic 3. If you're a little unsure on what exactly the situation is, check out the video I recorded on the subject this week.

I'm putting in a big effort to update all of the content on my site, and also to organise it a little better. I have a lot of free tutorials now, but the difficulty levels vary from day to day, so it can be confusing for people to find content that suits them.

So, with those goals in mind, I've enlisted the help of my fiancée to go through old tutorials and update them for Ionic 3 (and continue to keep them updated in the future) and I've created some new sections on the site. You will now find beginner, intermediate, and advanced sections for written content, and you can also view a specifically curated playlist of my YouTube videos for beginners.

With those updates out of the way, here's all of the content for the week!

Monday: [VIDEO] What Does Ionic 3 Means for Ionic 2?

Tuesday: Adding Swipeable Tabs to an Ionic Application

Wednesday: CouchDB, PouchDB, and Ionic 2: Adding Comments

Thursday: An Introduction to ES6 Modules for Ionic Developers

Friday: [VIDEO] Drab to Fab: Styling an Ionic Application - out tomorrow!

Talk soon,


P.S. If you want to get notified via email about tutorials as soon as they come out (5 times a week), just click here. You can easily drop back to 1 summary email a week later if you change your mind.

free screen recorder

The best free screen recorder 2017: http://www.techradar.com/news/the-best-free-screen-recorder FlashBack Express manual : https://www.flashbackrecorder.com/help/

Uninstall Microsoft Office

Can't install Office 2013 in Windows 10 : https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_install-mso_mobile/cant-install-office-2013-in-windows-10/a7448e24-1ba7-4949-a61c-ac5abf2e2cdc

windows 10010; DistributedCOM , sérült filek

Error - Event ID: 10010; DistributedCOM https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-performance/error-event-id-10010-distributedcom/598a7843-982c-4408-83cc-c51050401038 Használja a rendszerfájl-ellenőrző eszközt a hiányzó vagy sérült rendszerfájlok hibaelhárításához https://support.microsoft.com/hu-hu/help/929833/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system-files