2016. május 30., hétfő
Upgrading Laravel 4.2 project to 5.2 - No hint path defined for [flash]. - New Flash Service Provider
Caffeinated Flash Messages : https://github.com/caffeinated/flash
Upgrading Laravel 4.2 project to 5.2 - Class 'HTML' not found
Here I have a js directory in the laravel's app/public folder. There I have a jquery.js file. The function URL::asset() produces the necessary url for you. Same for the css:
Keep in mind that the old methods:
{{ Form::script() }}
{{ Form::style() }}
are deprecated and will not work in Laravel 5!
2016. május 21., szombat
visual programming
jsmaker http://jsmaker.com/jsmaker/
Waterbear is a toolkit for making programming more accessible and fun. Having a visual language means you don't have to focus on learning a syntax to start
Laravel API Documentation Generator
Automatically generate your API documentation from your existing Laravel routes.
2016. május 18., szerda
Website Hacked Report 2016 - Q1 : https://sucuri.net/website-security/website-hacked-report
Based on our data, the three CMS platforms most being affected are WordPress, Joomla! and Magento. This does not imply these platforms are more or less secure than others.
Hide your .git/config directory : https://laravel-news.com/2015/08/psa-hide-your-gitconfig-directory/
A lot of developers have horror stories about doing stupid things that cause security issues. A few years ago I was creating an open source app and accidentally committed and pushed up a config file containing my email login and password. It went completely unnoticed until a very nice guy emailed me and told me what I had done. Still to this day I have that weird feeling in my stomach when thinking about it. Major fail!
A simple batch to delete git files from project :
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S *.git*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"
Learn to Hack, https://www.hacksplaining.com/
Comprehensive Security Training for Developers
Hacksplaining is the best and most complete way for developers to learn about the security vulnerabilities that threaten your business.
2016. május 15., vasárnap
php framework independent development
I am searching the solution. Some useful article.
Build your own PHP Framework with Symfony Components : http://www.sitepoint.com/build-php-framework-symfony-components/
Symfony2: How to create framework independent controllers? : http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/06/how-to-create-framework-independent-controllers/
Symfony2: Framework independent controllers part 2: Don't use annotations : http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/06/don-t-use-annotations-in-your-controllers/
Symfony2: Framework independent controllers part 3: Loose ends : http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/06/framework-independent-controllers-part-3/
2016. május 11., szerda
How to deploy a Laravel project on a shared hosting?
Hi everyone!! I need your help? How to deploy a Laravel project on a shared hosting using CPanel? : https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4419933/4419933-6134841764785188867
1. Upload your local project to server via FTP.
2. Create symlink from your laravel project public/ folder to public_html/ folder.
2016. május 9., hétfő
Penész info
Belső oldali hőszigetelés
Belső oldali hőszigetelés esetén gyakori az a jelenség, hogy az utólagosan elhelyezett szigetelés a korábban jelentéktelen hőhidak hatásait felerősítette, vagy új hőhidakat hozott létre. Ezekben az esetekben a hőszigetelés szélein, csatlakozó szakaszain, függőleges és vízszintes élek találkozása mentén sokszor már az első fűtési idény alatt penészfoltok jelennek meg. A szigetelés eltávolítása után sokszor kiderül, hogy a penészesedés a szigetelés teljes felületére kiterjedt.
'NASA festék' nagyon drága, nem tesz csodát.
ventillátoros, párakapcsolós szellőztető : http://www.peneszmentesites.hu/esettanulmanyok/
Az ablakra szerelt szellőztetőn is megjelent a penész : http://www.peneszmentesites.hu/esettanulmanyok/
Tabletta : http://szelloztetes.hu/index.php?m_id=2&id=105
2016. május 5., csütörtök
WordPress Figyelő | biztonság, bajok - gyógymódok - eszközök - infok
WordPress Redirect Hack via Test0.com/Default7.com : https://blog.sucuri.net/2016/05/wordpress-redirect-hack-test0-default7.html
WordPress: A jó, a rossz és a csúf: http://sjozsef.com/wordpress-jo-rossz-es-csuf
Új weboldal fejlesztésekor az első igazán nehéz döntés a megfelelő tartalomkezelő rendszer kiválasztása. Figyelembe kell venned a fejlesztés és fenntartás költségeit, a projekt igényeit, és nem utolsósorban azt, hogy melyik CMS mire való.
When a WordPress Plugin Goes Bad: https://blog.sucuri.net/2016/03/when-wordpress-plugin-goes-bad.html
It appears the plugin has changed owners! Freelancer Comes to the Dark Side How much can we trust plugins that you download from the official WordPress Plugin Directory?
" Először wordfence, aztán ninja firewall és a végén ithemes security. ez a jó sorrend, mert ha az ithemes security-t teszem fel először, akkor nem engedi írni a php.ini fájlt... és akkor a ninja nem konfigurál be."
Wordfence: https://www.wordfence.com/
NinjaFirewall: https://hu.wordpress.org/plugins/ninjafirewall/
iThemes Security: https://hu.wordpress.org/plugins/better-wp-security/
10 Little-Known, Super Effective Tips to Secure Your WordPress Blog: http://www.socialambush.com/wordpress/10-little-known-super-effective-tips-to-secure-your-wordpress-blog/
A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your taskbar. https://desktop.wordpress.com/
Nem javaslom olyan WordPress alapú oldal építését, működtetését, ami regisztrációs felületet tartalmaz.
Rengeteg spam, támadási kisérlet...
Megdöbbentő: WordPress Is Most Popular With Business Websites : https://managewp.com/14-surprising-statistics-about-wordpress-usage
'A wordpresses webshopunkra kb. 3 percenként jön egy kamu (robot) regisztráció. Valószínűleg ez leterheli az oldalt is.'
'A ......... nevű wordpress + woocommerce-es weboldalunk valami brutális módon be van lassulva. Hetek óta nem találjuk a kollégákkal a megoldást.'
Pár napja új tárhelyre mozgattuk (gyorsabbra), de sajnos az sem oldotta meg a dolgot, sőt... Kikapcsoltunk egy csomó plugint, stb. de még mindig botrány lassú. Mivel egy webshopról van szó ez elég ciki és érezhetően kevesebb rendelés is jön.
A legnagyobb gond az, hogy kb 40 plugin fut a háttérben és valamelyik beakasztja az egész processzt. Ha minden kikapcs értelemszerűen megy. Úgyhogy azon van a küzdés, hogy melyik plugin akasztja be az egészet.
Free Website Malware and Security Scanner https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/
WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner that can be used to scan remote WordPress installations to find security issues. : http://tools.kali.org/web-applications/wpscan
Akismet Is the Most Popular Plugin
Algoritmuselmélet - 1. előadás : http://bme.videotorium.hu/hu/recordings/details/9498,Algoritmuselmelet_-_1._eloadas
Szerver védelem és betörés észlelés : http://videotorium.hu/hu/recordings/details/12580,Szerver_vedelem_es_betores_eszleles
2016. május 4., szerda
Client side vs server side shopping card storage
The winner solution : Server side - this solution is also working when somebody (accidentally) disable cookie in his/her browser.
Client side vs server side shopping card storage : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21077697/client-side-vs-server-side-shopping-card-storage
Best way to store shopping cart details localstorage or server side cookies : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13874912/best-way-to-store-shopping-cart-details-localstorage-or-server-side-cookies
Creating A Client-Side Shopping Cart : https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/02/create-client-side-shopping-cart/
Security is important. If we read the security notes of the W3C’s specification, then we’d be aware of the security risks of even a client-side technology such as Web storage.
The Shopping cart – How to craft a e-shop with Laravel - https://www.codetutorial.io/the-shopping-cart-how-to-craft-an-e-shop-with-laravel/
JQuery shopping cart
Side shopping cart : https://codyhouse.co/gem/side-shopping-cart/
10+ jQuery Based Shopping Carts : http://www.sitepoint.com/10-jquery-based-shopping-carts/
Client side vs server side shopping card storage
Client side vs server side shopping card storage : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21077697/client-side-vs-server-side-shopping-card-storage
Best way to store shopping cart details localstorage or server side cookies : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13874912/best-way-to-store-shopping-cart-details-localstorage-or-server-side-cookies
Creating A Client-Side Shopping Cart : https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/02/create-client-side-shopping-cart/
Security is important. If we read the security notes of the W3C’s specification, then we’d be aware of the security risks of even a client-side technology such as Web storage.
2016. május 3., kedd
Ecommerce webDesign
4 Simple Product Page Layouts That Work : http://www.practicalecommerce.com/articles/98093-4-Simple-Product-Page-Layouts-That-Work
Even if you offer free shipping and competitive pricing, if shoppers can’t find what they need, understand the calls to action, and complete the checkout process, nothing else matters.
2016. május 2., hétfő
Josh – Laravel Admin Template with Crud builder
Josh admin template + front end + CRUD generator is a bootstrap based admin panel and frontend built for Laravel developers.
Using CRUD you can quickly generate model, controller, views optimized for Josh look and feel.
It includes 100+ components like form builder, charts, data tables, image upload/resizing, shopping cart UI, and advanced modals.
Also login, registration, user management, and groups management coded for Laravel using sentinel and is ready to use.
Some of the features include:
Support for laravel 5.1 and 5.2
Many laravel examples added
Built with bootstrap 3.3.6
70+ admin pages included
10+ frontend pages included
404, 500 pages included
Authentication and authorization is ready to use
HTML, PHP and Laravel versions included
Drag and drop form builder
50+ chart examples
Calendar UI
Tables: search, copy and export to pdf,csv
Mailbox UI
Gallery, image upload, image cropping UI
Shopping cart UI
If you are starting a new Laravel project, JOSH will save tons of your time and gives excellent UI for your project.
2016. május 1., vasárnap
Laravel 5 info
Learn about pagination with Laravel and VueJS : http://learninglaravel.net/pagination-with-vue-and-laravel
Create an E-Commerce Website with laravel 5.2 : https://www.dunebook.com/create-an-e-commerce-website-with-laravel
The Ultimate Guide to Sending Email in Laravel : https://scotch.io/tutorials/ultimate-guide-on-sending-email-in-laravel
Beautymail for Laravel 5 : http://learninglaravel.net/beautymail-for-laravel-5
Learn about Beautymail for Laravel 5! A package that we can use to send responsive HTML emails with Laravel.
Laravel 5 info
Create an E-Commerce Website with laravel 5.2 : https://www.dunebook.com/create-an-e-commerce-website-with-laravel
The Ultimate Guide to Sending Email in Laravel : https://scotch.io/tutorials/ultimate-guide-on-sending-email-in-laravel
Beautymail for Laravel 5 : http://learninglaravel.net/beautymail-for-laravel-5
Learn about Beautymail for Laravel 5! A package that we can use to send responsive HTML emails with Laravel.
Laravel 5 info
Create an E-Commerce Website with laravel 5.2 : https://www.dunebook.com/create-an-e-commerce-website-with-laravel
The Ultimate Guide to Sending Email in Laravel : https://scotch.io/tutorials/ultimate-guide-on-sending-email-in-laravel
Beautymail for Laravel 5 : http://learninglaravel.net/beautymail-for-laravel-5
Learn about Beautymail for Laravel 5! A package that we can use to send responsive HTML emails with Laravel.
ZynAddSubFX synthesizer install on Ubuntu
After ZynAddSubFX install I also installed 'Jack' from the 'Ubuntu software center'
No sound was after the intall
I found this magic code:
$ zynaddsubfx -I alsa -O jack -a
This instruction helped to connect LPK-25 Midi keyboard.
$ sudo apt-get -y install aconnectgui zynjacku zynaddsubfx
aconnectgui - this program connects the LPK and the ZynAddSubFX.
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