2016. szeptember 27., kedd
Phonegap App With Laravel and Angular
Building a Phonegap App With Laravel and Angular : http://matthewdaly.co.uk/blog/2016/09/11/building-a-phonegap-app-with-laravel-and-angular-part-1/
Phonegap isn’t terribly hard to use, but the difference in context between that and a more conventional web app means that you have to move a lot of functionality to the client side, and unless you’ve used client-side Javascript frameworks before it can be a struggle.
Laravel 5.3 QuickAdmin install - part 1
C:\server\UniServerZ_2016\www\projects\laravel5>composer create-project laravel/laravel quickadmin_test --prefer-dist
[32mInstalling laravel/laravel (v5.3.10)[39m
- Installing [32mlaravel/laravel[39m ([33mv5.3.10[39m)
Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downloading: [33m55% Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downloading: [33m100%[39m
[32mCreated project in quickadmin_test[39m
> php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');"
[32mLoading composer repositories with package information[39m
[32mUpdating dependencies (including require-dev)[39m
- Installing [32mvlucas/phpdotenv[39m ([33mv2.4.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/polyfill-mbstring[39m ([33mv1.2.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/var-dumper[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/translation[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/routing[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/process[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/http-foundation[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/event-dispatcher[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mpsr/log[39m ([33m1.0.1[39m)
Downlo Downlo Downlo Downloading: [33m100%[39m
- Installing [32msymfony/debug[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/http-kernel[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/finder[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/console[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mswiftmailer/swiftmailer[39m ([33mv5.4.3[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mparagonie/random_compat[39m ([33mv2.0.2[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mramsey/uuid[39m ([33m3.5.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mjakub-onderka/php-console-color[39m ([33m0.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mjakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter[39m ([33mv0.3.2[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mdnoegel/php-xdg-base-dir[39m ([33m0.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mnikic/php-parser[39m ([33mv2.1.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mpsy/psysh[39m ([33mv0.7.2[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mnesbot/carbon[39m ([33m1.21.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mmtdowling/cron-expression[39m ([33mv1.1.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mmonolog/monolog[39m ([33m1.21.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mleague/flysystem[39m ([33m1.0.27[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/polyfill-util[39m ([33mv1.2.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/polyfill-php56[39m ([33mv1.2.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mjeremeamia/superclosure[39m ([33m2.2.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mdoctrine/inflector[39m ([33mv1.1.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mclasspreloader/classpreloader[39m ([33m3.0.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mlaravel/framework[39m ([33mv5.3.10[39m)
Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downloading: [33m55% Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downloading: [33m100%[39m
- Installing [32mfzaninotto/faker[39m ([33mv1.6.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mhamcrest/hamcrest-php[39m ([33mv1.2.2[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mmockery/mockery[39m ([33m0.9.5[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/yaml[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/version[39m ([33m2.0.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/resource-operations[39m ([33m1.0.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/recursion-context[39m ([33m1.0.2[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/object-enumerator[39m ([33m1.0.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/global-state[39m ([33m1.1.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/exporter[39m ([33m1.2.2[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/environment[39m ([33m1.3.8[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/diff[39m ([33m1.4.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/comparator[39m ([33m1.2.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mdoctrine/instantiator[39m ([33m1.0.5[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpunit/php-text-template[39m ([33m1.2.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpunit/phpunit-mock-objects[39m ([33m3.2.7[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpunit/php-timer[39m ([33m1.0.8[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpunit/php-file-iterator[39m ([33m1.4.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup[39m ([33m1.0.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpunit/php-token-stream[39m ([33m1.4.8[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpunit/php-code-coverage[39m ([33m4.0.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mwebmozart/assert[39m ([33m1.1.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpdocumentor/reflection-common[39m ([33m1.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpdocumentor/type-resolver[39m ([33m0.2[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpdocumentor/reflection-docblock[39m ([33m3.1.0[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpspec/prophecy[39m ([33mv1.6.1[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mmyclabs/deep-copy[39m ([33m1.5.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32mphpunit/phpunit[39m ([33m5.5.5[39m)
Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downloading: [33m55% Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downlo Downloading: [33m100%[39m
- Installing [32msymfony/css-selector[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
- Installing [32msymfony/dom-crawler[39m ([33mv3.1.4[39m)
Loading from cache
symfony/var-dumper suggests installing ext-symfony_debug ()
symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/routing suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotation loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/config (For using the all-in-one router or any loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection (For loading routes from a service)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expression matching)
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/browser-kit ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
paragonie/random_compat suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes.)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ircmaxell/random-lib (Provides RandomLib for use with the RandomLibAdapter)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides the PECL libsodium extension for use with the SodiumRandomGenerator)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ext-uuid (Provides the PECL UUID extension for use with the PeclUuidTimeGenerator and PeclUuidRandomGenerator)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing moontoast/math (Provides support for converting UUID to 128-bit integer (in string form).)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ramsey/uuid-doctrine (Allows the use of Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid as Doctrine field type.)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ramsey/uuid-console (A console application for generating UUIDs with ramsey/uuid)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pcntl (Enabling the PCNTL extension makes PsySH a lot happier :))
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-posix (If you have PCNTL, you'll want the POSIX extension as well.)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-readline (Enables support for arrow-key history navigation, and showing and manipulating command history.)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pdo-sqlite (The doc command requires SQLite to work.)
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB)
monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required))
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing mongodb/mongodb (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server via PHP Driver)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-amqplib/php-amqplib (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-console/php-console (Allow sending log messages to Google Chrome)
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ruflin/elastica (Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing sentry/sentry (Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server)
league/flysystem suggests installing ext-fileinfo (Required for MimeType)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v2 (Allows you to use S3 storage with AWS SDK v2)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (Allows you to use S3 storage with AWS SDK v3)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-azure (Allows you to use Windows Azure Blob storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-cached-adapter (Flysystem adapter decorator for metadata caching)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-copy (Allows you to use Copy.com storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-dropbox (Allows you to use Dropbox storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-eventable-filesystem (Allows you to use EventableFilesystem)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-rackspace (Allows you to use Rackspace Cloud Files)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-sftp (Allows you to use SFTP server storage via phpseclib)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-webdav (Allows you to use WebDAV storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-ziparchive (Allows you to use ZipArchive adapter)
laravel/framework suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Required to use the SQS queue driver and SES mail driver (~3.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing doctrine/dbal (Required to rename columns and drop SQLite columns (~2.4).)
laravel/framework suggests installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (Required to use the Mailgun and Mandrill mail drivers and the ping methods on schedules (~5.3|~6.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (Required to use the Flysystem S3 driver (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing league/flysystem-rackspace (Required to use the Flysystem Rackspace driver (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing pda/pheanstalk (Required to use the beanstalk queue driver (~3.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing predis/predis (Required to use the redis cache and queue drivers (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing pusher/pusher-php-server (Required to use the Pusher broadcast driver (~2.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing symfony/psr-http-message-bridge (Required to psr7 bridging features (0.2.*).)
sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects suggests installing ext-soap (*)
phpunit/php-code-coverage suggests installing ext-xdebug (>=2.4.0)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing ext-tidy (*)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing ext-xdebug (*)
[32mWriting lock file[39m
[32mGenerating autoload files[39m
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
Generating optimized class loader
> php artisan key:generate
Application key [base64:lI+quIeIk0t97lqrIHjLUyn68cOR7A+0U4kIUl+dZ7I=] set successfully.
TCPDF works with PHP 7
TCPDF Downloads: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tcpdf/
In the PHP 7 environment I got a lot of PHP Notice.
Than I put 'error_reporting(0);' before 'require' TCPDF lib and this solved the problem. The PDF has been appeared.
Laravel Captcha
Hamog Captcha: https://packagist.org/packages/hamog/captcha
C:\server\UniServerZ_2016\www\projects\laravel5\auction_webshop>composer require hamog/captcha
Using version ^1.0 for hamog/captcha
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing hamog/captcha (v1.0)
Downloading: 100%
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
[32mGenerating optimized class loader[39m
Captcha for Laravel 5 : https://github.com/mewebstudio/captcha
C:\server\UniServerZ_2016\www\projects\laravel5\auction_webshop>composer require mews/captcha
Using version ^2.1 for mews/captcha
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing mews/captcha (v2.1.4)
Downloading: 100%
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
[32mGenerating optimized class loader[39m
BotDetect Laravel 5.2 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart : https://captcha.com/doc/php/laravel-captcha-quickstart.html
C:\server\path\auction_webshop>composer require captcha-com/laravel-captcha:"4.*"
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing captcha-com/captcha (4.1.0)
Cloning 1019ff13b82ee6f30119e6d3738acf4a8d36c2d3 from cache
- Installing captcha-com/laravel-captcha (4.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
captcha-com/captcha suggests installing captcha-com/cakephp-captcha (BotDetect 4 PHP Captcha generator integration for the CakePHP framework.)
captcha-com/captcha suggests installing captcha-com/symfony-captcha-bundle (BotDetect 4 PHP Captcha generator integration for the Symfony framework.)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
[32mGenerating optimized class loader[39m
2016. szeptember 2., péntek
Minecraft + PHP
You can program Minecraft with PHP language :
PHP, Arduino And… Minecraft? Combining Minecraft with PHP! : https://www.sitepoint.com/php-arduino-and-minecraft-combining-minecraft-with-php/
2016. augusztus 29., hétfő
Laravel vs Codeigniter
I think Codeigniter is perfect for beginner and Laravel is used by expert (the web artisan).
Some comment: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4419933/4419933-6166597320784863234
Become a Laravel Certified Developer
The Laravel Certificate program is created and monitored by an advisory board composed of top laravel developers and entrepreneurs whose members contribute heavily to the Laravel ecosystem.
Exchange szerverhez kapcsolódó Microsoft Outlook (Business) helyett ingyenes megoldás eM Client
A Home Office csomagban található Outlook-ban nincs Exchange szerverhez kapcsolódás, az MS business Office drága.
Az eM Client jó megoldás: http://www.emclient.com/?lang=en
Tapasztalat: Kapcsolódáskor a teljes hálózati nevet kellett megadnom RES\hálózati nevem.
Kapcsolódáskor automatikusan beállítódott az Exchange webszervíz, Címlista.
További alternatívák: http://www.itsmdaily.com/outlook-alternative-with-exchange-support/
Tortoise CVS, GIT, SVN icons not visible in Win 10 x64
I bought a new laptop with Windows 10.
I installed Tortoise CVS client (1.12.5) I didn't see overlay icon on the file or folder.
I found several solution (Regedit, Reinstall, Windows XP version).
At the end I found the elegant, simple, useful, working solution in this comment: "removing OneDrive helps me"
On the Lifehacker page contains few coomands how You can delete OneDrive.
Open Command Prompt in Administrator mode:
Right-click on the Windows icon in the taskbar and select Command Prompt (Admin).
Type in
taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe
to terminate any OneDrive processes and hit Enter.
Then type in either
%SystemRoot%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
if you’re using 32-bit Windows 10
or %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
if you’re using 64-bit Windows 10 and hit Enter.
Searching History:
File Icons are not displayed in Windows 10 : https://gitlab.com/tortoisegit/tortoisegit/issues/2548
> removing OneDrive helps me. thanks
Tortoise CVS icons not visible in Win 7 x64 : http://superuser.com/questions/236292/tortoise-cvs-icons-not-visible-in-win-7-x64
TortoiseGit icons not showing correctly : https://gitlab.com/tortoisegit/tortoisegit/issues/692
2016. augusztus 23., kedd
Laravel 5.3 is now released
Server Requirements:
PHP >= 5.6.4
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
2016. július 26., kedd
Laravel 5 Reset Password
E:\server\\blog>php artisan make:auth
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/auth/login.blade.php
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/auth/register.blade.php
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/auth/emails/password.blade.php
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/home.blade.php
Created View: E:\server\blog\resources/views/welcome.blade.php
Installed HomeController.
Updated Routes File.
Authentication scaffolding generated successfully!
Stack Overflow : Documentation
A Documentation projekt keretében az oldal használói nyelvek, keretrendszerek és programozási felületek dokumentációit szerkeszthetik majd meg, közösségi alapon.
Képfelismerés info - Image recognition
forrás: Facebook beszélgetésből
Egy rajzfelismerő alkalmazást akarok írni, ami tök egyszerű formákat, pl Kör, négyzet, háromszög stb... felismer. Mármint hogy a júzer lerajzolja a képernyőre és a program felismeri az előre megadottak közül, hogy melyik az.
Ki hogyan csinálna egy ilyen algoritmust?
A jelenlegi elgondolásom:
Először azonos méretűre skálázza a 2 mintát. Azután a bal felső sarkot használva mint nézőpont X mintát vesz a rajzból, legyen mondjuk X = 90, tehát 1 fokonként minden szögnél. Majd ezen a Xi-edik mintán (ami egy vonal a bal felső saroktól indulva) lekéri az összes pontot ami átmegy a rajzon. Ezt megteszi mind a két rajzzal, végül minden egyes mintánál megnézi hogy az átmeneti pontok mennyire vannak messze egymástól. Végül kiszámolja, hogy átlagosan mennyire voltak messze a kapott mintavételi pontok és ha ez túllép egy értéket akkor nem az adott rajz van a képernyőn.
De hátha van valakinek egy jobb megoldása erre.- Jelenleg a turning Function-on állok, hogy azzal vizsgálom meg az egyes formákat, egyszerűnek tűnik és gyorsnak
Bármit felismerni nyilván nem lehet. Kell lennie egy "ABC"-dnek, amiket ismersz.
Szerintem inkább regressziót használj, vagy klaszterezést. Egy csomó templatelős marhaságot megspórolsz magadnak
Detecting some simple shapes in images : http://www.aforgenet.com/articles/shape_checker/
Hough transform : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hough_transform
Handwriting Recognition with Python :
Mi az egyetemen MatLabot használtunk erre a célra, egy jó algoritmussal nagyon jó felismerőt lehet készíteni. A konkrét metodikára már nem emlékszem de elérhetőek példakódok is és ha mélyebben beleásol tudod optimalizálni a felismerést (pontosságot javítani illetve beállítani mennyire legyen megengedő a program a felismerés során).
Recognition methods in image processing : http://www.mathworks.com/discovery/image-recognition.html?requestedDomain=www.mathworks.com&requestedDomain=de.mathworks.com
PHP Multithreading - PHP többszálú programozás
PHP Multithreading using pthreads extension
A lot of PHP developers face situations on which they need to execute multiple tasks in parallel. This is the case for using multithreading solutions.
2016. július 18., hétfő
Ubuntu mail
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postfix
sudo nano /etc/postfix/main.cf
remove the alias_maps parameter and replace it with virtual_alias_maps!!
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
sudo nano /etc/postfix/virtual
@example.com yourusername
sudo service postfix restart
sudo apt-get install mailutils
How To Install and Setup Postfix on Ubuntu 14.04 : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-postfix-on-ubuntu-14-04
How To Install and Configure Postfix on Ubuntu 16.04 : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-postfix-on-ubuntu-16-04
Setup mail server on ubuntu 14.04 ( Postfix – dovecot ) : http://www.krizna.com/ubuntu/setup-mail-server-ubuntu-14-04/
PostfixBasicSetupHowto : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto
GNU Mailutils : http://mailutils.org/manual/html_node/Reading-Mail.html
firewall!!! sudo ufw allow Postfix
2016. július 7., csütörtök
Zend Framework 3
What is Zend Framework 3? :
Increased performance; we've measured up to 4X faster applications under PHP 5, and even better performance under PHP 7!
PHP 7 support.
The Tribal Framework Mindset : https://philsturgeon.uk/php/2014/01/02/the-tribal-framework-mindset/
Minecraft - Computer Freezes on Ubuntu - Solution
I tried this:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get install --reinstall openjdk-8-jre
Remove Java 7 JRE:
sudo apt-get remove openjdk-7-jre
I didn't try LWJGL - Lightweight Java Game Library , but I found in the Ubuntu Software Center
Bejelentkezés QR kóddal / Login with QR code
Bejelentkezés QR kóddal / Login with QR code : http://infodok.hu/qr_login/
Rendezvényre beléptetés QR kóddal / Login with QR code at the party : http://blogbook.hu/qrcodeparty/public/
A projektek PHP Zend Framework és Laravel alatt készültek. Más PHP keretrendszerre is átalakíthatók.
The prejects were build with Zend Framework and Laravel.
kapcsolat/ contact: blogbookhu@gmail.com
Your software is Vitamin or Painkiller?
How to Quickly Tell If Your Software Product Idea Will Be Successful : http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/411-How-to-Quickly-Tell-If-Your-Software-Product-Idea-Will-Be-Successful.html
The dream of many software developers is to create their own business, so they can work for themselves all the time instead of working for others.
So they start thinking of ideas for new software products, but they are never certain of which ideas will be successful. So they often pick one idea they like and then start working it. After many months they launch it but often the product does not have the traction they hoped.
This is what is called the shot in the dark. The dream turns into a frustration. I have found myself in this situation many times, so I thought to myself that there should be a way to avoid the frustration.
2016. június 15., szerda
Az ismeretlen PHP web programozó visszaemlékezései Gombok, monitorok Tűnődések, karriertanácsok
"Már rég nem leszek, mikor még kódjaim futnak valahol."
Halványodnak az emlékek, de ha valami régi dolog eszembe jut, később már a hozzá kapcsolódó részekre is kezdek emlékezni.
Az írás közben egyszer eljutok oda, hogy most miért használok szívesen Zend Framework 2-t vagy Symfony 2-t a PHP kódjaimhoz, de barátként tekintek minden más webes dologra. pl: ThreeJs, stb. Miért jó programozni.
A kezdetek
A programozással 1986-ban a BME -n gépészmérnök hallgatóként kezdtem ismerkedni.
Stencil nyomdagépen készült, írógép betűkkel szedett jegyzetünk volt. BASIC nyelven pötyögtük be programjainkat a HT számítógépbe.
Fél méterről néztünk egy normál televíziót. Az volt a monitor.
Talán még abban az évben a szüleimtől az egy öcsémmel együtt kaptunk karácsonyra egy Commodere 64 számítógépet.
Sokat játszottam rajta, de már írtam hosszabb makaróni programokat BASIC-ban.
A fenti képen floppy lemezes tároló van. De nekünk olyan gépünk volt, amin a programokat kazettás magnó szalagra lehetett tárolni.
A TV-ben voltak számítástechnikai műsorok, aminek a végén BASIC programokat sugároztak, osztottak meg. Ekkor visító hang hallatszott a TV-ből, amit kazettás magnóval is lehetett felvenni. Majd a gépbe betöltve megjelent a program.
Az újságokban is közöltek BASIC programokat.
Emlékszem egy véletlenszám generáláson alapuló játékprogramra.
Nagy nehezen begépeltem. Futáskor kiderült, hogy tele van szintaktikai, szerkezeti hibával.
Talán ezek voltak az első nagyobb debugolások.
A BASIC valamelyik fejlettebb változatában készítettem egy 3D szimulációs programot.
Az XYZ tengely (0,0,0) pontjában áll egy ház (drótváz). Kocka az épület a tető egy háromszög alapú hasáb.
A kamera nézetet joystick segítségével lehetett irányítani. X távolságra a háznak különböző nézete volt látható.
A ház kamera felé eső vetületét 3D koordináta geometriával számoltam ki.
Azt hiszem, ez volt az a projekt eddigi pályafutásom során, amikor valami komolyabb matematikai ismereteket kellett alkalmaznom.
Később tanultam Dbase-t XT-n. Talán még Clipper-be is belekezdtem.
Nyomdamérnökként végeztem, diploma után a Glóbus Nyomdába kerültem.
Itt találkoztam egy saját fejlesztésű c-64 basic programmal, ami termelés irányítást hivatott gyorsítani.
1992 körül különösebben nem vonzott a programozás. Nem volt még internet. Monokróm monitor előtt ülve több ezer sor kezelésének, faragásának látszott.
Talán ez a filmrészlet mutatja az akkori állapotot:
A számítógépes kiadványszerkesztés, grafika érdekelt inkább. Ventura kiadványszerkesztő programot ismertem meg először, ami PC-n futott. Voltak jobb programok, de azok csak Macintosh gépen voltak elérhetők, de azokon hosszú évtizedes nyomdai előkészítő tapasztalat után (analóg retusőr, reprodukciós fényképész) csak a legjobbak közül kiválasztottak dolgozhattak.
Abban az időben még nagyon megbecsült szakma volt a szkenneres, a scanner gépen dolgozó nyomdász.
Monitor egyéb kalibraló eszköz nélkül, a képen adott szín foltokat kiválasztva, egy színkeverő pulton állította be a szín komponenseket, kontrasztot.
A beszkennelt gép azonnal filmre lett "világítva". Számítógépre nem lehetett csatlakoztatni. Kézi montírozással, fóliára celluxszal ragasztgatva került a kiszedett szövegek közé. A szövegeket egy oszlopban kiszedték, majd ollóval vagdosták meg.
Én ebben az időben (~1994) egy hatalmas Klimsch reprodukciós kameránál dolgoztam, de probáltam a Macintosh géphez is odafurakodni, mikor nem dolgoztak rajta.
Macintosh-on Photoshop 2.5 programot használtam először. A korábbi verziónál még nem volt layer kezelés, itt jelent meg először. Imádtam a szűrőket, filtereket.
Szeretek rajzolni, így amikor lehetett a gépen "lógtam".
Közben megtanultam a Freehand (Illustrator -hoz hasonló), QuarkXPress használatát.
Egyszer egy ismerősöm szólt, hogy keresnek egy kiadványszerkesztő stúdióba nyomdamérnököt.
Felvettek, 1996 decemberében. Itt találkoztam egy Scitex mosógép méretű síkágyas szekennerrel.
A szokásos kiadványszerkesztés, grafika, levilágítás, szkenner munkáim voltak.
A főnököm mondta, hogy jó lenne, ha internet oldalakat is tudnék készíteni.
Mivel mérnöknek tanultam, így ez nekem menni fog.
"Segítségül" kaptam egy Silicon Graphic Indigo gépet.
Floppy bemenete nem volt.
Egy UNIX verziójú operációs rendszer futott rajta.
Kínlódtam a Macintosh gépen készült fájlok konverziójával. Ami Mac-on jó volt, az az Indigon-n nem jelent meg. Külön FTP-vel kellett felmásolni a képeket.
Kértem, a főnöktől egy PC-t.Azt hiszem Windows 3.1 volt, de Windows NT lett rajta később.
Pár hónappal később elvitték az Indigo-t, mert csak kipróbálásra volt ott.
Sajnáltam, volt a Silicon Graphic-nak egy nagyon jó VRML 3D model szerkesztő programja, ami a böngészőben megjelent (1996-ban).
Cosmo World volt a program neve.
Pl. egy kockára renderelhettél képet videót. Belinkelhettél másik 3D VRML oldalt vagy HTML oldalt. Igaz, csak az én gépemen futott jól. Egy normál PC-n lassan vánszorgott az animáció. :)
Érdekes volt a VRML tanulmány, de rájöttem, hogy olyan weboldalt kell készíteni, amit nem csak én tudok megnézni.
Elmélyedtem a HTML szerkesztési ismeretekben. Ekkor még nem volt CSS.
Javascriptet az Internet Explorer 3 (? ) még nem támogatta.
Netscape Navigátort töltött le minden net szörfös.
1998 körül már voltak webszerveren futó programjaim Perl-ben. Perl-t saját gépen is használtam, amikor Word HTML oldalakat kellett tömegesen tisztítani. Azt hiszem, ekkor kerültem újra barátságba programozással. Rengeteg időt takarított meg a kézi munka kiváltása. A webszerveren futó programjaim TXT " adatbázisból " vették az infót.
Köszönetet kell mondanom a Freeblog vállalkozásnak. Úgy tudom, ők engedték először szerveroldali program futását. Kezdetben csak Perl-volt.
Később PHP 3 futott. PHP verziók
Ingyen MySQL adatbázisra még várni kellett.
Volt egy nagyszerű PHP CMS TXT adatbázissal. Úgy tudom, Textportálnak hívták.
2000 körül divat volt a Macromedia Flash 2 ?( Adobe megvette) programokkal Full Flash oldal gyártás. - A kereső meg találja meg, ha tudja.
Actionscript, animáció, háttérzene dögivel.
SEO még nem nagyon volt. Névjegykártyán ott volt a webcím, oszt pötyögd be a gépeden. Örülj, ha megjelenik. Ha nem, akkor tölsd le a Másik böngészőt és/vagy plugint.
Ennek a szakmai dagonyának az Első Magyarországi PHP Konferencia vetett véget 2003-ban.
Az elsőre még nem tudtam elmenni. Egy kollégám számolt be róla lelkesen.
Meghallgattam a hangfelvételt, illetve megnéztem a prezentációs anyagokat.
A PHP Smarty template rendszer tetszett leginkább. Pár héttel később egy projektemben már elkezdtem használni.
Múló évek - képzés a Gábor Dénes főiskolán
Szakmérnöki képzésen vetten részt itt. Sokan kritizálták/kritizálják, de nekem összességében hasznos volt.
Abban részt vettem egy érdekes fejlesztésben. A céges webszerveren csak Perl volt, adatbázist, PHP-t nem lehetett telepíteni, mert vállalati informatikai vezetés nem tartotta biztonságosnak. Az adatbevitel a kliens gépeken MS Access alatt történt, amiből az adatok RTF-be (?) lettek exportálva, amit a Perl dolgozott fel.
PHP-Nuke, Drupal, Joomla, WordPress - BUY Viagra
Foglalkoztam CMS rendszerek fejlesztésével. Feltelepítés után órák alatt létre lehet hozni egy elfogadható kinézetű bemutatkozó weboldalt. A probléma akkor kezdődik, ha valami egyedi megoldásra van szükség. Bőséges Plugin-tár van mindegyiknél, aminek a forráskódja nyílt így lazább programozás esetén feltörhető.
Nem torta, de nagyon jó: CakePHP
Az első php keretrendszer, amiben gyorsan tudtam dolgozni, sok projektet tudtam készíteni.Parancssorból lehetett az új projektet létrehozni, táblákat, controllert, modelt, view-t, CRUD funkciókat létrehozni.
Korábban a ADO adatbázis réteg és Smarty template rendszer adta alapot a programhoz.
Microsoft térítés: ASP.NET, Silverlight, C#
Azt hittem, hogy ilyen csak a gyanútlan kisnyugdíjasokkal történik meg, hogy busszal elutaznak Visegrádra 500 forintért és útközben rábeszélik őket bioptron lámpára, gyapjú takaróra.
Egy webkonferencián betévedtem egy előadásra, ahol egy hölgy a programozók karrierjét elemezte.
Megállapította, hogy .NET programozók többszörösét keresik a PHP programozóknak.
Nosza, gondoltam, belevágok a .NET, C# tanulásba. Egymást követték a C#, Silverlight, XNA tanfolyamok, WPF előadások. Különösen a Silverlight fejlesztés érdekelt, építettem vele képmontázsoló, rajzoló Facebook alkalmazást. De időközben láttam, hogy zsákutca, csak Windows alatt működött, a Linux változata a Moonlight csak döcögött a nyomában.
A "Flash gyilkos" HTML 5 már megjelent. 2008 -as gazdasági válság az open source kis költségű alkalmazás készítésnek kedvezett. Microsoft 2011-ben leállította a Silverlight fejlesztést. C#-ben írtam magamnak alkalmazásokat, nagyon hasonlított a Java-ra. Ma már csak egy emlék a Visual Stúdióban történt munkálkodás.
Android programozás tapasztalatok
Android programozást is tanultam a webről. Építettem egy egyszerű alkalmazást, ami a Google Play-ról letölthető.
Játék fejlesztésre nagyon jó, de üzleti alkalmazás a webes felületen is megjeleníthető. A felhasználók az x+1 ezredik programot már nem fogják telepíteni a telefonjukra.
Halálcsillag fejlesztés
Van egy szuper ötleted/ötletetek. Tanulmányt készítesz, kutatsz, úgy gondolod, hogy milliók fogják használni a programod. Nagy titokban több hónapig fejleszted.
Feltelepíted, publikálod. Néhányan megnézik, de rendszeresen senki nem használja.
Jó szoftver sikerének titka elég összetett dolog. Itt egy videó a témáról. http://prog.hu/mediatar/video/273/Jo+szoftvert+akarsz+csinalni+Ne+hallgass+a+felhasznaloidra.html
Linux, VPS, Ubuntu server
Kipróbáltam már néhány hazai tárhelyszolgáltatót.
Biztonság miatt, sok minden nem engedélyezett a tárhelyen.
Érdemes a Linux-ban is tájékozott lenni. Ha van egy sikeres projekt, akkor azt érdemes inkább saját webszerverre, VPS-re rakni.
Zend Framework, a gigantikus könyvtár
~2010: CakePHP keretrendszer még mindig PHP 4 alapú volt. A CakePHP 2 még mindig alfa állapotban volt. Fejlesztői fórumokon egyre több olyan bejegyzés volt, hogy aki korábban Cake-ben kódolt átállt Symfony-ra. Megnéztem a Symfony-t. Talán az nem tetszett, hogy nem önálló könyvtárai voltak, hanem a PEAR-ra épült.
Zend Framework-ban lassabb volt a projekt létrehozása. Később gyorsult fel a fejlesztés. Mikor már több projekt készült vele, a megfelelő modellek, helperek átmásolával időt spóroltam meg.
Zend Framework 2 , Symfony 2, Laravel
Mindegyiket kipróbáltam.
Zend, Symfony évek óta ismert keretrendszer.
Laravel 2014-ben népszerű. Pár év múlva is az lesz?
Yii, Kohana, CodeIgniter ... Ezeket ma már nem érdemes tanulni.
Gerillaharcos vagy csapattag?
Ha van egy jó fejlesztőgárda, ahol szabványok szerint megy a fejlesztés, korszerű csomagokkal, akkor jó csapattagnak lenni.
De van olyan "csapatmunka", hogy másik jelenleg nem elérhető fejlesztő hibásan működő nem dokumentált/kommentelt kódjából kell kitalálni, hogy mire való.
A használt programcsomag már évek óta korszerűtlen. Csak arra van idő, hogy a hibás részt újra működő állapotba hozzad - ez a gerillaharc.
Karajszeletek gazdagon
Van amikor úgy érzem, hogy nincs megfelelően honorálva a munkám.
Ilyenkor általában az a gond, hogy tudnának többet fizetni, de nincs rá elég fedezet.
Mint a viccben, mikor a kontrás nem kap elég pénzt és kérdezi a prímást.
- Nekem több nem jár? -
A válasz: - Járni jár, de nem jut. -
Ilyenkor végig kell gondolni, hogy jó helyen vagyok-e, milyen változtatásra van szükség.
Nyugdíjas évek No Future
60-70 éves koromig, életem végéig programozni fogok? Elképzelhetőnek tartom. Elképzelhető, hogy egyre több olyan robot lesz, amit programmal lehet vezérelni.
Ahány ház, annyi igény beállítási lehetőség. Biztos abból is lesz fizetős és olcsóbb, open source megoldás.
Nem szeretnék tanácsot adni, mert nem futottam be eddig nagy karriert, valószínű, hogy a hátralévő életemben sem fogok.
Arra rájöttem, hogy ehhez a munkához sok türelem kell. Lehetőleg a szabványok, ajánlások szerint kell dolgozni. Nem szabad átváltani gagyi üzemmódba, hogy minél előbb elkészüljön. Nem csak a kinézet számít. A programnak áttekinthetőnek kell lenni. Érdemes valami népszerű jól dokumentált keretrendszerben dolgozni, ami nagy alkalmazásokat is tud kezelni.
Legyen egy naplód, amibe az ötleteid vezeted
Böngészd a munka kiírásokat, álláshirdetéseket, hogy milyen tudásra van igény.
Nagyon jó, ha vannak fejlesztő barátaid, ismerőseid, akivel ~ hasonló tudásszinten vagy. Tudjátok segíteni egymás munkáját.
Sajnos a hazai piac egyre szűkül. ....
Sportolj. Nekem a futás jött be.
Jó ha van egy/több hobbid.A hobby az idő élvezetes eltöltésére való.
Szeretek gitározni, de nem törekszem, hogy mások számára is élvezhető zenét játsszak.
A kreatív időtöltés mindig feltölt ötletekkel, energiával.
2016 június: Laravel 4, 5.2, Bootstrap, JQuery. Több projekten is dolgozom.

2016. június 13., hétfő
Wireframe Templates
40 Free Wireframe Templates for Mobile App, Web and UX Design: https://speckyboy.com/2016/06/13/free-wireframe-templates-mobile-app-web-ux-design/
2016. június 6., hétfő
Intereseting Laravel package
Laravel Talk - Develop a messaging system in 25 mins
Talk is a Laravel 5 based user conversation (inbox) system. You can easily integrate this package with your any Laravel based project. Its help to you to develop a messaging system in 25 mins. So let's start :)
Blogify – Add a blog to an existing Laravel App
Blogify is a Laravel package that enables you to quickly and easily add a blog to your Laravel app.
It works with Laravel 5.2.
2016. május 30., hétfő
Upgrading Laravel 4.2 project to 5.2 - Class 'HTML' not found
Here I have a js directory in the laravel's app/public folder. There I have a jquery.js file. The function URL::asset() produces the necessary url for you. Same for the css:
Keep in mind that the old methods:
{{ Form::script() }}
{{ Form::style() }}
are deprecated and will not work in Laravel 5!
2016. május 21., szombat
visual programming
jsmaker http://jsmaker.com/jsmaker/
Waterbear is a toolkit for making programming more accessible and fun. Having a visual language means you don't have to focus on learning a syntax to start
Laravel API Documentation Generator
Automatically generate your API documentation from your existing Laravel routes.
2016. május 18., szerda
Website Hacked Report 2016 - Q1 : https://sucuri.net/website-security/website-hacked-report
Based on our data, the three CMS platforms most being affected are WordPress, Joomla! and Magento. This does not imply these platforms are more or less secure than others.
Hide your .git/config directory : https://laravel-news.com/2015/08/psa-hide-your-gitconfig-directory/
A lot of developers have horror stories about doing stupid things that cause security issues. A few years ago I was creating an open source app and accidentally committed and pushed up a config file containing my email login and password. It went completely unnoticed until a very nice guy emailed me and told me what I had done. Still to this day I have that weird feeling in my stomach when thinking about it. Major fail!
A simple batch to delete git files from project :
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S *.git*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"
Learn to Hack, https://www.hacksplaining.com/
Comprehensive Security Training for Developers
Hacksplaining is the best and most complete way for developers to learn about the security vulnerabilities that threaten your business.
2016. május 15., vasárnap
php framework independent development
I am searching the solution. Some useful article.
Build your own PHP Framework with Symfony Components : http://www.sitepoint.com/build-php-framework-symfony-components/
Symfony2: How to create framework independent controllers? : http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/06/how-to-create-framework-independent-controllers/
Symfony2: Framework independent controllers part 2: Don't use annotations : http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/06/don-t-use-annotations-in-your-controllers/
Symfony2: Framework independent controllers part 3: Loose ends : http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/06/framework-independent-controllers-part-3/
2016. május 11., szerda
How to deploy a Laravel project on a shared hosting?
Hi everyone!! I need your help? How to deploy a Laravel project on a shared hosting using CPanel? : https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4419933/4419933-6134841764785188867
1. Upload your local project to server via FTP.
2. Create symlink from your laravel project public/ folder to public_html/ folder.
2016. május 9., hétfő
Penész info
Belső oldali hőszigetelés
Belső oldali hőszigetelés esetén gyakori az a jelenség, hogy az utólagosan elhelyezett szigetelés a korábban jelentéktelen hőhidak hatásait felerősítette, vagy új hőhidakat hozott létre. Ezekben az esetekben a hőszigetelés szélein, csatlakozó szakaszain, függőleges és vízszintes élek találkozása mentén sokszor már az első fűtési idény alatt penészfoltok jelennek meg. A szigetelés eltávolítása után sokszor kiderül, hogy a penészesedés a szigetelés teljes felületére kiterjedt.
'NASA festék' nagyon drága, nem tesz csodát.
ventillátoros, párakapcsolós szellőztető : http://www.peneszmentesites.hu/esettanulmanyok/
Az ablakra szerelt szellőztetőn is megjelent a penész : http://www.peneszmentesites.hu/esettanulmanyok/
Tabletta : http://szelloztetes.hu/index.php?m_id=2&id=105
2016. május 5., csütörtök
WordPress Figyelő | biztonság, bajok - gyógymódok - eszközök - infok
WordPress Redirect Hack via Test0.com/Default7.com : https://blog.sucuri.net/2016/05/wordpress-redirect-hack-test0-default7.html
WordPress: A jó, a rossz és a csúf: http://sjozsef.com/wordpress-jo-rossz-es-csuf
Új weboldal fejlesztésekor az első igazán nehéz döntés a megfelelő tartalomkezelő rendszer kiválasztása. Figyelembe kell venned a fejlesztés és fenntartás költségeit, a projekt igényeit, és nem utolsósorban azt, hogy melyik CMS mire való.
When a WordPress Plugin Goes Bad: https://blog.sucuri.net/2016/03/when-wordpress-plugin-goes-bad.html
It appears the plugin has changed owners! Freelancer Comes to the Dark Side How much can we trust plugins that you download from the official WordPress Plugin Directory?
" Először wordfence, aztán ninja firewall és a végén ithemes security. ez a jó sorrend, mert ha az ithemes security-t teszem fel először, akkor nem engedi írni a php.ini fájlt... és akkor a ninja nem konfigurál be."
Wordfence: https://www.wordfence.com/
NinjaFirewall: https://hu.wordpress.org/plugins/ninjafirewall/
iThemes Security: https://hu.wordpress.org/plugins/better-wp-security/
10 Little-Known, Super Effective Tips to Secure Your WordPress Blog: http://www.socialambush.com/wordpress/10-little-known-super-effective-tips-to-secure-your-wordpress-blog/
A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your taskbar. https://desktop.wordpress.com/
Nem javaslom olyan WordPress alapú oldal építését, működtetését, ami regisztrációs felületet tartalmaz.
Rengeteg spam, támadási kisérlet...
Megdöbbentő: WordPress Is Most Popular With Business Websites : https://managewp.com/14-surprising-statistics-about-wordpress-usage
'A wordpresses webshopunkra kb. 3 percenként jön egy kamu (robot) regisztráció. Valószínűleg ez leterheli az oldalt is.'
'A ......... nevű wordpress + woocommerce-es weboldalunk valami brutális módon be van lassulva. Hetek óta nem találjuk a kollégákkal a megoldást.'
Pár napja új tárhelyre mozgattuk (gyorsabbra), de sajnos az sem oldotta meg a dolgot, sőt... Kikapcsoltunk egy csomó plugint, stb. de még mindig botrány lassú. Mivel egy webshopról van szó ez elég ciki és érezhetően kevesebb rendelés is jön.
A legnagyobb gond az, hogy kb 40 plugin fut a háttérben és valamelyik beakasztja az egész processzt. Ha minden kikapcs értelemszerűen megy. Úgyhogy azon van a küzdés, hogy melyik plugin akasztja be az egészet.
Free Website Malware and Security Scanner https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/
WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner that can be used to scan remote WordPress installations to find security issues. : http://tools.kali.org/web-applications/wpscan
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2016. május 4., szerda
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Client side vs server side shopping card storage : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21077697/client-side-vs-server-side-shopping-card-storage
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Creating A Client-Side Shopping Cart : https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/02/create-client-side-shopping-cart/
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The Shopping cart – How to craft a e-shop with Laravel - https://www.codetutorial.io/the-shopping-cart-how-to-craft-an-e-shop-with-laravel/
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Client side vs server side shopping card storage
Client side vs server side shopping card storage : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21077697/client-side-vs-server-side-shopping-card-storage
Best way to store shopping cart details localstorage or server side cookies : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13874912/best-way-to-store-shopping-cart-details-localstorage-or-server-side-cookies
Creating A Client-Side Shopping Cart : https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/02/create-client-side-shopping-cart/
Security is important. If we read the security notes of the W3C’s specification, then we’d be aware of the security risks of even a client-side technology such as Web storage.
2016. május 3., kedd
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4 Simple Product Page Layouts That Work : http://www.practicalecommerce.com/articles/98093-4-Simple-Product-Page-Layouts-That-Work
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2016. május 2., hétfő
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2016. május 1., vasárnap
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2016. április 30., szombat
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2016. április 29., péntek
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The story of the Hungarian Punk
I was born in 1969.
In simple reason that at the beginning - as a result of purely biological conditions collusion - it was almost impossible to be a full part of it. I was not very aware of what I'm historic time for credible witness, because while in 1980, the Zugló Kassák Club FM occurred in the evening, my people, and as a simple day-I was in the same institution in the afternoon dance on. Yes, the idea was not taking place at high-profile events. But I could still get something from the winds of time, because it is still distinctly remember, for example, I refused to grasp her hand. Probably rebellion. After all, home confused. This instinct in me hiding after a lifetime of determined my fate.
After the lower grades of primary school successfully carried out willy - nilly - upper grades I got.
Teens stupid the average tough guy from children immediately feel and believe that this should be at all costs, even at every step to demonstrate to the outside world. Therefore, to achieve this in a peculiar behaviors; for example: sputter, using terms or ugly gang formed. Lakótelepünkön a group of friends. which also has grown into such a band. At first moto they went around the circle panel houses around, and when a little older - so cooler - have already done to the same engine. The other day I saw a band. Car washed. Together, as they used to ...
No, but back to the beginning.
The coolness and the number one most popular hallmarks of the band. The band can write off the bench to iskolaköpenyre. It can be well informed academic conversation, perhaps due to this affair hurt us by phone, in my day when the upper section iártam. the most popular fashion
It was called a pipe. The young people of school - who knows what reason - bag, walked, and this peculiar teaching tool storage device írogattak a ballpoint pen joint names. This, it seems, felt it important, then gathered during the break, and strange things were put forward:
- I'm Karthágós head! - Said a nasty little boy. - Um, I Ricsés head! - He said in an even uglier. - Yes? So then I head hobos! - Seventy said proudly feel like the third, who was still hunched in addition also.
In me, a certain friend of mine - we were outsiders - we surprised but liked the thing. Being rebels have decided that we can "will be heads, but along the lines that the average young stone kept absolutely not popular, so they look like a fool, and so revolting to our needs and we kívülállásunknak enforced.
Observed, inquired, kept our eyes open ...
One day he stood in the middle of the class, my legs spread in all, with my hand casually leaning on the teacher's table, declared a confident voice:
- I'm Kalákás head!
Frozen, dead silence. The room startled gazes connected together, and no one dared to speak for a while. The fly is buzzing could be heard. The two friends making use of silence "(Peter and the neighbor guy; fellow outsider position) lined up next to me and stated that it:
- I'm Vadrózsás head!
- Well, now I Celsiusos 100 Folk! We left the room without looking around.
This rebellious world view that he had not subsided over the years, but even more extreme proportions.
As I mentioned, particularly of young people and strange customs - as outsiders - contemplated with great interest, almost under the magnifying glass view of the phenomena, like some scientists unusual insect species.
It observed, inter alia, also to our fellow human beings very great importance they attach to certain garments or clothing habits, and we found out that they in some way been linked to the music ízlésükkel. In it surprised. But has not ended for us the surprise series because of human stupidity during these testing we found that our fellow human beings cloak them, and this is actually their taste and their thinking is often changed, and are generally not based on self-interest, but for the simple reason that the moment, the rest of it does. being of young people (10-11 year-olds can do at this time) not so we got into the fashion and people are manageable depths of philosophizing, however, a man of action - and of course the rebels - since we decided to Revolutionized the dress culture of, say, a sort to wear, Once everyone is outraged, looking like a fool, and thus we get our needs and enforce rebel kívülállásunknak (see as above).
So we formed a Neighbourhood of dude Zacskóslábú Group, which I think is still the most unique among the so-called "outsider dress code. The zacskóslábúság manifested that Zacskóslábú the streets driving in the private as well as office work (by the way, is a real Zacskóslábú not work because humiliating holding), is bound to both feet and his head in a single plastic bag to pull up, in walking about, while self-consciously behave, it did give the impression that the Zacskóslábú, as such, a better man than his companions. Strict rules were also out there, what kind of bag can apply who is a member of the movement. Scale-feet-center and only Coopos bag was pulled, the head of the most recommended product with Roltex-Clover logo, or even - in case of extreme necessity - Domusos. Contempt of its divisions had Zacskóslábúnak who menial things Ápisz
There was inscribed. Such as it discredited the movement, if appropriate, rule out its members. Festive occasions - for example, the end of the school year, zacskóslábúság evolution anniversary - was authorized for a Marlboro bag is labeled.
Unfortunately, the movement was able to produce a significant mass base behind him, the habits were not any less plausible, like any other counter-culture nonsense and ridiculous symbolism than not, yes.
Anyway unfortunate fact that our movement's heyday, at the peak of bloom is counted only two people.
I mentioned that I was a rebel szellemiségü man. But that has not talked to my family what traditions look back to this area. It said to have been my great-grandfather is still surging against something. That is exactly what was wrong with him, unfortunately I did not keep it in the family chronicle, but I heard from a variety of reminiscences that went in, he went to the street to the date foreign men stopped next to them and began dissatisfied in their ears'
- No, because you'll see shawls! - He growled ominously for their respective great-grandfather, and also add more grit his teeth.
- This will not end well! - Ígérgette, then he clenched his fist raised to the sky himself walked away muttering.
My grandfather had been a real rebel. When in 1918 the Czech army came to occupy areas of Northern Hungary, he rose up there, and some three gendarmes (if it is the truth tsajádi Chronicle) several days Room defended from intruders. In any case, something definitely happened since then - due to this affair - my grandfather Silver Medal for bravery.
My mother was very rebellious. Forty years resisted Janos Kadar. The open kitchen window, the whole housing estate ears bömböltette Radio Free Europe, and as much as forszírozta dictatorship, refused to join the party.
ancestors radical view of life as outlined above has contributed significantly to the development of the world, in my view, until the eighth grade is confronted with management.
The school hours, on my part, packázásból abuse of power and against the state of works were. Kémiafüzetem was a major feat. I sat in the pew and created. What about my ears came the vague duruzsolásból dörülöttem river, I instantly formed in pictorial form, and it took creations. For example, you hit my ears the next sentence that ". The alumina produced in the USSR"
It was unto me as csataménnek the trumpet sounded. My eyes lit up my face appeared defiance and rebellion against the noble traits of power, and while no sneer distorted, I started self heroic deeds carried out and this declarative sentence sheets of double-sided booklets in the guise of a fresco realized. The letter "O" in place of two proud adorned with red stars, the letter "S" with a hammer and sickle changed course, running around Mars at the end of the sentence is in the hands of capital. Needless to say that the pages of this beautifully designed chemistry, or any other hour of work, of course, there was no room. I still do not understand why we did not fail at this object.
This opposition between us and heaven was finally punk and a link. The punkról because here was not the case, since any-rock aristocratic arrogance averse to the state power but at that time we really did not like, and when the Dózsa High School began my secondary school studies at the above-mentioned institution is a professed opposition would have given students in line.
So I did not like the Communists, the system, everything that is related to enthusiastically took my time after anything that ugly hatred was due qualifier targets. If someone in the hallway reproached the Soviet head of state, I stood behind and encouraging comments I reassured continuation of the activity. If my ears had to padtársamnak did not like the previous night's Soviet film - a smile appreciatively saw him mellészegődtem throughout the day, the ebédlőtől all the way home, when I did not take off my eyes, I keep smiling, and in my eyes the persecuted dissidents Circle of Fate community warm glow .
One morning - we were in the autumn of 1983 - my school, some students nevezetü M. Alexander, mysterious face came in the first hour. Apparently, not paying attention, he sat deep in itself, sometimes arrogantly looked around to present students with contempt and hummed a few. He was visibly proud of something. After school he invited me to visit him, because he wants to show you something.
- I can only imagine what might be ... - I muttered Alex has Tólényesen friend's apartment when he saw that the magnetofonkészülék dugdossa connector and the cartridge stones kept poking his eyes sparkling. Not really I shared enthusiasm, I had picked up in advance of a man's face who is acting and no longer endure the suffering for a long time at the end of tolerance. I trusted him because it will likely be too saves the sufficient level during the protracted enjoyment of the cultural filth. The device was first heard muffled noise and then a voice said the following at a glance:
"1982nd Here come the New Year. They have disabled both of them. Ladies and gentlemen, ETA string quartet. Anarchy!"
The last word echoed around for a while, it seems it was the most important of the first sentence and then re-started with a dull noise levels mentioned above. After a while, the owner of the last-mentioned rough voice started to show:
, Fölfordulás, anarchy
The whole world is a big mistake
The example always proves
If you Dulu. anarchy!
Either red or white or,
The streets are flowing with blood.
Russia, America
A big cunt, anarchy! "
That's how I got into contact with the punk. The tape of ETA called the band a half hour of show, and the song "Wooded Peter" in CPg featured in all this, of course they did not know the lyrics did not understand all the music, as such, did not realize that absolutely plays a role in tinnitus in bringing about. but it was obvious to me that this is a very strong word-thinking otherwise.
The tape, of course, I immediately took it home and duly savored. The music of course, did not like it at first, but over it easily overlooked, since the show it was telefonlehallgatásról, Stalin, Ceaucescuról (on him particularly angry) and had heard a "Work and bread!" Song was, of which almost I could just do the chorus as the return line decipher, so full of a topic that is a rebel opposition in fits listen, if you like it or not, at least I do then something like this thought in my head soon teamed up with the formula:... punk = system hostility at first as a bit disturbed by the adverse circumstances, if the punk emerged in England, so what the hell they want to rebel there when they do not have communism ?! But I quickly dismissed this unpleasant thoughts from myself, and from the moment I was going to self-consciously punk life vocation.
Then, as later illustrated a broader insight into the things little by little, I realized that here was not just that.
First band
Do you know three chords Establish ensemble! - It was the password 1976 in London, and Mark Perry, the Sniffin 'Glue fanzine in nevezetü also showed these props, with science, thought enough of an amateur punk band to get started.
The two of us in the neighbor dude, 1983, in Budapest, we did not have this kind of childish bragging opportunity tax cicomákkal as a single chord knowledge, but at all costs we wanted to express our dissatisfaction over the state of things with, so we decided to convert the band. After the formation of brief thought, he took the name of the AVO,
(A forrmáeió employee Alexander Basil campaign. Or Revesz Against Propaganda Department as well as trying as Neighbor guy definitely was sure győződvee. That the Pyramid was a singer of "I did not know. That way it hurts" song was I going slowly growing from the tap, because certainly the party behind it.)
by name because they wanted to give the association. where everyone is outraged, looking like a fool, and so we get kívülállásunknak rebel and assert our needs (see than a few cards ahead). Besides, we wanted to make fun of those in power in power, and this has done for AVO name is superbly suited.
The band later in the spring of 1984, known as the Royal Hungarian Fire Orchestra (MKT) insulted the dictatorship. which - although all our weight behind were - did not want to change repressive policies.
regardless of all this what we were doing, it was revolutionary. Those who listen hindsight, the remaining recording into the elcsodálkozhat. it could be that something so prevent its age. The music is simple, monotonous and primitive. Harmonize there was no sign anywhere, but precisely from was unusual and novel. The changes were dissonant music, and did not fit the melody a few seconds earlier. The singer - usually Neighbor guy (Thomas Samodai)
singing, my guitar and I played drums with a friend - of course, he could not sing, but he said in the text without stopping, until the number was over. Choruses were not. The lyrics were like new. It blamed the system, of course, communism, it is natural - one at the beginning of the '80s punk band that it is waiting for the people - but especially in Central Europe, and even Hungarian angles as seen everything. By the way, the secret of experimental sound very easy.
We had no idea of the rules for playing music, making music because we could do nothing, however, we have successfully avoided such a formulaic solutions and ideas al calmaztunk, an educated, so in some way been influenced by musicians never thought it would not come. I can say without any bias, that if at that time we would not have 16-year-old boys, and we can at least once, I'd be legends today. Well, not really thinking about what the action.
The band eventually caused the death of professionalism, it is the eternal enemy, which dig his grave every individual thought. What happened was that in the summer of 1985 got to know the guitar skills.
This peculiar aesthetic concept called a Gabor Banki, curly-haired boy appeared in the guise. It was not quite the same taste in music, because at that time we had with The Stranglers, and the Dead Kennedys over enthusiastic, however, he was much more conservative this area, yet we took prompt members of the band within seconds. The secret Banki success of the "back then, with the creation of possessed considerable skills From the moment a while boundless enthusiasm manufactured in középszerűbbnél mediocre templates, corny inserts a goal was just.. I speak as a true" band fit, so chords, choruses, solos.
Who Knows?
Our story home at the time of the punk scene eerily resembled a Georgian county clerk Mikszath body. Thurócz get into the main county magistrate, or getting into a well-known punk band; well, all without favoritism seemed equally impossible.
So they tried to invoke the recommendation of the would-be rebels to the coveted goal. These recommendations are of course moving at different levels, so the effect was different. For example, a company in one easy-punk,
"Hares" are often members acknowledged there was little for salvation. The often one like three, four, we had to show up.
Higher importance on the "old faces" a genuine, original old face knowledge has been greatly paved the purpose of the prospective outsider to the inclusion of the old faces a competition for the same as the prestigious wines with those of the young punk-marked so haughtily snapped... I have my buddy in Diana, who has been fancies '81 "; Count companies like to brag carelessly in a 1722 vintage wine of Rakoczi period.
Best protekciónak course, the band members expected. One such sentence: I help the singer pal:; "Every Saturday or sipping drinks along with bassist T-34." Guaranteed respect aroused.
There were, of course, foolish zealots who sometimes fall into the trap that the facts because of their boastful claims unfortunate lack of imagination soaring with supplemented. These things sometimes worked, sometimes not. The latter often had unpleasant consequences.
I witnessed one such case. In the summer of 1986 it occurred in Vörösmarty Square. Great company, and was just the mood was tense as some old faces moderately unsatisfactory that their belongings nyikhajok (New punks) pollute the environment of the business had grown gray in honor rebels.
Sizzling air. The youngsters cast down were due nyikhaj when one has tried to get out of corporal punishment more realistic danger that names began throwing things:
- I have a buddy Rat!
A dubious assertion was accompanied by rumbling and humming. A somewhat justifiably, because only in the vintages and only about fifteen Rat Budapest were registered. rat was too much supply, so the trading price soared, according to eternal law is quite low.
He felt that the youngsters, so the offensive again:
- And I know the air-releasable bald too!
This was slightly more foganatja, although disbelief offensive connotation is still overshadowed by the discourse. To calm things down somewhat, and that the remaining focal points can overcome skepticism, the young outsider everything on a plate and casually tossed:
- Yeah, me and my friend in Japan.!
This is one of the skinheads. who had just a few steps away. somewhat indifferent to illustrate the scene, raised his eyebrows, walked slowly came quite close to the delikvenshez, pointed a finger at his chest, then eagerly asked: - You know about Japan?
The man bit frightened, but there was no turning back. - Yes, I know in Japan!
- Really?
- Of course, my best mate.
The big skinhead pleased snatched up
pants, good-naturedly listened intently looked at the audience and briefly he said, - I am in Japan.
I was a punk
The hall still stands a floor-length down to the huge Venetian mirror. These decorative home furnishing accessories from the estate of her grandmother still remained in the family's possession.
Grandma was unfortunately far from a proud family traditions and was unable to carry out the rebellion. Oaf way, idly looking to play their hands of the Bolsheviks downtown business, and not even been able to get at least his voice crisp comment on eviction of transport workers engaged in physical faults, protruding ears, acne and maybe kinship relations. Unfortunately I could not be next to lead the fight.
The mirror is luckily escaped the attention of the enemy, and so is the property of the family today, as I have said.
This smug look on his face standing in front of the mirror in September 1985. I consider myself standing looking at a clock, and my activities seem to have not much I wished to finish because I wanted to be treated more thorough and exhaustive examination of how I look in my rear view of the new boots.
An effort I turned my head and my intention at all costs to look over my shoulder, which did not really want to succeed.
- Ha! - Dohogtam myself glumly and then an impulse I stopped so far futile attempts, he changed tactics, driven tucked between my legs with my body, with my head; so I was able to look behind me through.
Satisfied, looking at the scenery unfolds before me. The boot also had a rear view of where it had to be, he proudly bloomed out from under a properly folded jeans trousers.
- You're beautiful! - I heard my mother's voice from the direction of the kitchen, who seemed to have witnessed the series of events described above.
I egyenesedtem annoyed face up, and marched toward the little dressing room bevégezni the operation.
philistine! - I said contemptuously, and a strong gesture sealed the doorknob room door.
Conditions of punk clothing
"If someone undertakes a spiritual-ideological community of a body. taking a serious responsibility on his shoulders. in strict compliance with the rules it is only possible to participate in some events.
the member is right when aligned with some never-invested, yet existing standards, but too traditional in appearance, lack of individuality bad points is the career point of view.
The outer tickets for events, gatherings, mass rallies on the occasion of voluntary inspectors checked regularly. The amount of those charges in terms of number of units are often just below the total number of members. "
In 1985, the punk had its unwritten dress code. Most of these are very specific, and as a special kortünetnek count, I think - if only because of folkloric values - worth preserving for posterity.
"The rebellion essential accessory for your boots. This garment
Noble that is of paramount importance, but also provides more specific information as well as the social status of the wearer's society secure out-stone. ' "
(Rebel's Guide, page 2)
The lowest level of the hierarchy were MHSZ-boots rebels. They all looked down, and if it is aggravated by sin that brings together leather strap boots stems not been removed, nor were discussed with them.
In terms of prestige were located in the middle is a police officer or other foreign footwear may operate. This included also the person wishing to conceal MHSZbakancsos was to footwear changed the color black shoe cream, and above all, removed the earlier mentioned tax shameful contempt occasion leather strap.
No, and the highest round were those who wore Martens boots. That is what ultimately was the reason, I do not understand to this day. The ladder is located at the bottom of the unfortunate páriákat often leveled a special indicator, scornful glances. fensőbbséges and manners in tow. This particular marker was a short term, which ran as follows: "NYU punk" This initiates among meant that the person who fit the negative stipulation, new to the profession inexperienced, do not miss the point, and deeds maturity. the movement. thus such are calculated for the man who has the common sense he dragged his feet, which just falls into their hands, and other unnecessary things he did not care. in contrast, Martens boots barrel elite been so irresponsible "serious amounts hübelebalázs. paid in order to be able to say. feet boots manufactured by the renowned Dr. Martens caught him in the rebellion, on behalf of an ideology that is all the rage disorder, and, do it yourself! " principles set flag.
They understand the point.
I note that I was a supporter of the golden mean in this area. I would have to issue a pile of money on such nonsense accountable crazy, but I did not want to stand out in a bad light, MHSZ my boots carefully suvickoltam black, leather strap and some of the very first time, in accordance with the regulations removed. That's another matter, so that the boots are actually much more aesthetic.
Not long after the problem is resolved happily, when I acquired a beautiful Polish police boots that looks deceptively looked like the shoes, which Jean Jacques Burneh * hatched against the world.
(The Stranglers bassist of the English. Among the band's new sound of rock and brutal bass-historical importance. All the album's masterpiece from 1977 to 1982. Since then ielentéktelen.)
In the days and events experienced eminent rebellion accessory today is my property. Sometimes it can take up when they capture the mood. But back to the point before too overwhelmed sentimentality.
The corset modalities
It could not be an easy task for a beginner who has the bold idea occurred to him that punk declares himself overnight. It is not enough that the boots were much hassle, then started the whole fuss in front laces. In this respect, the rules were simple and clear, though no less dogmatic.
- The color white corset! - Said the public firmly. The regulations do not tolerate any contradiction
There were though some dissident elements who conspired to brown color, and under extremes despite all the warnings held their positions. Emlegetni I heard a small fraction headquartered in Budapest, which set the black flag. The Vörösmarty tér punks among the delegation visited them to be nice so if you need force, but force a renitenseket to change their position. But they could say anything, it was to them like peas thrown on the wall and desperate delegation soon after he returned disappointed look on his face.
But these were all along only sporadic, isolated events, and the vast majority still white corset rebelled exemplary uniformity, all the way until the fall of 1987, when someone once remarked casually:
The white corset burning enough! -
(At the time, there were no such nonsense that white is worn on the right guard. Reds and anarchists. Punk said the scandal and not some világmegváltásról. Not to mention the fact that punk was a communist put it mildly, is unthinkable.)
I looked at his feet, and shocked that you really can not wear white, but red. The next day I went to the red Roltex fűzőért, but I have found only green and blue, and a good half-hour turkáltam among the belongings. Finally, weary of things and kifakadtam:
The hell is going cramping here! No matter what color you string together the damn boots ?!
I bought the blue one, and from then on something like that is not dealt with.
Unfortunately, such a simple thing intellincia and insight to it - I know from experience - is loaded with some age required.
The pants of fuss
Fortunately, the customary number of individual initiative broke out, and all the pants hordhatta true punk spirit; Thus, a color and set round, it was favored, one important caveat: the pants in no way looked like, so that an ordinary citizen can safely absorb.
As I said, the rules were not so, but there was a costume that is so often happened that I can safely be called popular, and thus could not undo the things that credibility.
2016. április 27., szerda
2016. április 26., kedd
skrollr - No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
Stand-alone parallax scrolling JavaScript library for mobile (Android, iOS, etc.) and desktop in about 12k minified.
Designer friendly. No JavaScript skills needed. Just plain CSS and HTML.
"Classic" parallax with different sections and parallax images between the gaps : http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr/examples/classic.html
2016. április 25., hétfő
Hotjar - asy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors
Hotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. Find your hottest opportunities for growth today.
HeatMaps - Understand what users want, care about and interact with on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior.
designing mobile app
20 Free UI kits for designing your next mobile app : http://codecondo.com/20-free-ui-kits-for-designing-your-next-mobile-app/
Behind the success of mobile apps the user interface has a very prominent role to play.
Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet: http://hackerthemes.com/bootstrap-cheatsheet
Bootstrap - responsive design example:
fluid responsive layout: http://jsfiddle.net/ZnEEa/
responsive menu code library
A ton of CSS, jQuery, and JavaScript responsive navigation examples, demos, and tutorials from all over the web. : http://navnav.co/
responsive menu code library:
jquery-rocker A jQuery plugin for responsive menus https://github.com/cvalleskey/jquery-rocker
Responsive Multi-Level Menu, Space-saving drop-down menu with subtle effects http://tympanus.net/Development/ResponsiveMultiLevelMenu/index.html
Guitar pedal boards
10 Essential Guitar Pedals For Every Electric Guitarist http://www.guitaradventures.com/10-essential-guitar-pedals-every-electric-guitarist
Pedal Board Planner: http://pedalboardplanner.com/
How To Chain Your Guitar Effects Pedals : http://www.roland.co.uk/blog/how-to-chain-your-guitar-effects-pedals/
2016. április 24., vasárnap
Aimeos webshop on Windows (Uniserver)
Create virtual host:
Command prompt, type notepad.
Open as administrator.
Open C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.
Type: aimeos.localhost
Open: core\apache2\conf\httpd.conf
Delete # from this row:
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Open extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
E:\server\UniServerZ\www\projects\laravel5\webshop_aimeos\public - change your server PATH
DocumentRoot E:\server\UniServerZ\www\projects\laravel5\webshop_aimeos\public
ServerName aimeos.localhost
Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
2016. április 23., szombat
Classic Programmer Paintings
Their first code review
Two developers ask forgiveness of technical debt at the begining of sprint
Sysadmin grants sudo privileges to developer on production web server
Developer looking at production logs after a regression with downtime
2016. április 21., csütörtök
PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ships with PHP 5.5 by default, but if you want to use PHP 5.6, then it’s just 3 lines on the command line away. : https://www.dev-metal.com/install-setup-php-5-6-ubuntu-14-04-lts/
Aimeos Laravel package - install history
Laravel e-commerce package for high performance online shops https://aimeos.org/Laravel
>composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel webshop
"prefer-stable": true,
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
"aimeos/aimeos-laravel": "~2016.04",
"scripts": {
"post-update-cmd": [
"php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force",
"php artisan vendor:publish",
"php artisan migrate",
#Caution: Make sure that the database is set up and it is configured in your config/database.php
>composer update
#Next, the Aimeos provider class must be added to the providers array of the config/app.php file so the application and Laravel command task will work:
return array(
'providers' => array(
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- aimeos/aimeos-laravel 2016.04.1 requires aimeos/aimeos-core ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-core[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.3, 2016.04.4, 2016.04.5, 2016.04.6, 2016.04.7, 2016.04.x-dev].
- aimeos/aimeos-laravel 2016.04.2 requires aimeos/aimeos-core ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-core[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.3, 2016.04.4, 2016.04.5, 2016.04.6, 2016.04.7, 2016.04.x-dev].
- aimeos/aimeos-laravel 2016.04.x-dev requires aimeos/aimeos-core ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-core[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.3, 2016.04.4, 2016.04.5, 2016.04.6, 2016.04.7, 2016.04.x-dev].
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.x-dev requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.7 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.6 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.5 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.4 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.3 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.2 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.1 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
- Installation request for aimeos/aimeos-laravel ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-laravel[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.x-dev].
To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in those .ini files:
- E:\server\UniServerZ_2015\core\php56\php-cli.ini
You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
Edit php-cli.ini: extension=php_fileinfo.dll
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing composer/installers (v1.0.25)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing psr/http-message (1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-diactoros (1.3.5)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing aimeos/ai-laravel (2016.04.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing aimeos/ai-gettext (2016.04.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/lexer (v1.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing aimeos/ai-swiftmailer (2016.04.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing aimeos/aimeos-core (2016.04.7)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/annotations (v1.2.7)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/collections (v1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/cache (v1.6.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/common (v2.6.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/dbal (v2.5.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing aimeos/aimeos-laravel (2016.04.2)
Downloading: 100%
aimeos/aimeos-core suggests installing apigen/apigen (Required for generating the API documentation)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force
Nothing to publish for tag [public].
> php artisan vendor:publish
Nothing to publish for tag [].
> php artisan migrate
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Nem hozhatˇ lÚtre kapcsolat, mert a cÚlszßmÝtˇgÚp mßr visszautasÝtotta a kapcsolatot.
Script php artisan migrate handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error
Error Output:
update [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--lock] [--no-plugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--with-dependencies] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--cla
ssmap-authoritative] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--prefer-stable] [--prefer-lowest] [-i|--interactive] [--root-reqs] [--] []...
edit : /.env
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan vendor:publish
Copied File [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\src\config\shop.php] To [\config\shop.php]
Copied Directory [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\src\database\migrations] To [\database\migrations]
Copied Directory [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\src\views] To [\resources\views\vendor\shop]
Copied Directory [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\public] To [\public\packages\aimeos\shop]
Publishing complete for tag []!
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Nem hozhatˇ lÚtre kapcsolat, mert a cÚlszßmÝtˇgÚp mßr visszautasÝtotta a kapcsolatot.
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan aimeos:setup --option=setup/default/demo:1
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Nem hozhatˇ lÚtre kapcsolat, mert a cÚlszßmÝtˇgÚp mßr visszautasÝtotta a kapcsolatot.
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate
Migration table created successfully.
Migrated: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table
Migrated: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table
Migrated: 2015_03_06_000000_aimeos_users_table
Migrated: 2015_08_10_000000_aimeos_users_label
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan aimeos:setup --option=setup/default/demo:1
Initializing or updating the Aimeos database tables for site "default"
Renaming order tables
Checking table "mshop_order_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_discount": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_service_attribute": OK
Adding "flag" column to address tables
Checking "mshop_customer_address" table OK
Checking "mshop_supplier_address" table OK
Checking "mshop_order_base_address" table OK
Adding columns to table "mshop_attribute"
Changing typeid of mshop_attribute table OK
Renaming attributelist constraints
Checking constraint "fk_msattrli_siteid": OK
Removing locale constraints from attribute tables
Removing catalog "domain" column
Checking table "mshop_catalog": OK
Renaming catalog tree table
Checking table "mshop_catalog_tree": OK
Adding code column to mshop_catalog OK
Changing code columns
Checking table "mshop_catalog": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_locale_site": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service_attr": OK
Checking table "mshop_plugin_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_price_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_tag_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_warehouse": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_supplier": OK
Extend length of attribute code OK
Modifying index in mshop_attribute table
Checking index "dx_msatt_sid_dom_editor": OK
Optimize list indexes
Adding constraint "unq_msattli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Adding constraint "unq_mscatli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Adding constraint "unq_mscusli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Adding constraint "unq_msmedli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Adding constraint "unq_msprili_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Adding constraint "unq_msproli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Adding constraint "unq_msserli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Adding constraint "unq_mstexli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_msattli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_mscatli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_mscusli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_msmedli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_msprili_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_msproli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_msserli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Deleting constraint "unq_mstexli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msattli_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msattli_pid_sid_rid": OK
Dropping index "idx_mscatli_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_mscatli_pid_sid_rid": OK
Dropping index "idx_mscusli_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_mscusli_pid_sid_rid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msmedli_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msmedli_pid_sid_rid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msprili_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msprili_pid_sid_rid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msproli_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msproli_pid_sid_rid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msserli_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_msserli_pid_sid_rid": OK
Dropping index "idx_mstexli_sid_rid_dom_tid": OK
Dropping index "idx_mstexli_pid_sid_rid": OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_attribute tables
Checking index "fk_msattli_pid": OK
Checking index "unq_msattli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm": OK
Checking index "fk_msattli_parentid": OK
Delete attribute options
Delete table "mshop_attribute_option_list" OK
Delete table "mshop_attribute_option_list_type" OK
Delete table "mshop_attribute_option" OK
Changing index type in madmin_cache OK
Adding config column to mshop_catalog OK
Adding reference ID columns to index tables
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_price" for column "priceid" OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_text" for column "textid" OK
Adding domain column to index text table
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_text" for column "domain" OK
Adding reference ID columns to index tables
Adding unique constraints to index tables
Checking index "unq_mscatinat_p_s_aid_lt" OK
Checking index "unq_mscatinca_p_s_cid_lt_po" OK
Checking index "unq_mscatinpr_p_s_prid_lt" OK
Checking index "unq_mscatinte_p_s_tid_lt" OK
Changing reference ID columns of index tables to NULL
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_attribute" and column "attrid" OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_price" and column "priceid" OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_text" and column "textid" OK
Drop old indexes in mshop_catalog_index_catalog table
Checking index "idx_mscatinca_s_lt_ca_po": OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinca_p_s_lt_ca_po": OK
Removing constraints from index tables
Removing locale constraints from catalog tables
Drop old index in mshop_catalog table
Checking index "idx_mscat_sid_nleft_nright": OK
Renaming product warehouse table OK
Adding ctime/mtime/user columns to tables
Adding foreign keys to mshop discount table
Checking table "mshop_discount": OK
Adding id to order service attribute table
Checking column "id": OK
Adding siteid to order tables
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Checking table "mshop_order": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_discount": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service_attr": OK
Changing status columns
Checking table "mshop_attribute": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer": OK
Checking table "mshop_discount": OK
Checking table "mshop_global_language": OK
Checking table "mshop_global_currency": OK
Checking table "mshop_global_site": OK
Checking table "mshop_media": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Checking table "mshop_plugin": OK
Checking table "mshop_price": OK
Checking table "mshop_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_supplier": OK
Checking table "mshop_text": OK
Renaming global tables
Changeing locale sites to tree of sites
Checking column "mshop_locale_site.level": OK
Checking column "mshop_locale_site.nleft": OK
Checking column "mshop_locale_site.nright": OK
Changing product stock unique constraint OK
Changing site ID to NOT NULL
Changing table "mshop_attribute": OK
Changing table "mshop_attribute_list": OK
Changing table "mshop_attribute_list_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_attribute_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_catalog": OK
Changing table "mshop_catalog_index_attribute": OK
Changing table "mshop_catalog_index_catalog": OK
Changing table "mshop_catalog_index_price": OK
Changing table "mshop_catalog_index_text": OK
Changing table "mshop_catalog_list": OK
Changing table "mshop_catalog_list_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_customer": OK
Changing table "mshop_customer_address": OK
Changing table "mshop_customer_list": OK
Changing table "mshop_customer_list_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_locale": OK
Changing table "mshop_media": OK
Changing table "mshop_media_list": OK
Changing table "mshop_media_list_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_media_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_plugin": OK
Changing table "mshop_plugin_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_price": OK
Changing table "mshop_price_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_product": OK
Changing table "mshop_product_list": OK
Changing table "mshop_product_list_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_product_stock": OK
Changing table "mshop_product_stock_warehouse": OK
Changing table "mshop_product_tag": OK
Changing table "mshop_product_tag_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_product_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_service": OK
Changing table "mshop_service_list": OK
Changing table "mshop_service_list_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_service_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_supplier": OK
Changing table "mshop_supplier_address": OK
Changing table "mshop_text": OK
Changing table "mshop_text_list": OK
Changing table "mshop_text_list_type": OK
Changing table "mshop_text_type": OK
Renaming catalog index tables to index
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_attribute" OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_catalog" OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_price" OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_text" OK
Renaming catalog index constraints to index
Checking constraint "unq_mscatinat_p_s_aid_lt" OK
Checking constraint "unq_mscatinca_p_s_cid_lt_po" OK
Checking constraint "unq_mscatinpr_p_s_prid_lt" OK
Checking constraint "unq_mscatinte_p_s_tid_lt" OK
Renaming catalog index indexes to index
Checking index "idx_mscatinat_s_at_lt" OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinat_p_s_lt_t_c" OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinca_s_ca_lt_po" OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinpr_s_lt_cu_ty_va" OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinpr_p_s_lt_cu_ty_va" OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinte_value" OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinte_sid" OK
Checking index "idx_mscatinte_p_s_lt_la_ty_va" OK
Renaming column nodeid of catalog list table
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_catalog tables
Checking index "fk_mscatli_parentid": OK
Checking index "unq_mscatsi_sid_pid": OK
Checking index "fk_mscatsi_parentid": OK
Checking index "idx_mscat_nleft_nright": OK
Checking index "unq_mscatli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm": OK
Checking index "unq_mscatsi_pid_sid": OK
Renameing shipping to costs in index price table OK
Changing "domain" columns
Checking table "mshop_attribute": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_suggest": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_media": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_plugin": OK
Checking table "mshop_price": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_tag_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_text": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_list": OK
Changing langid of mshop_product_tag table
Checking column "langid": OK
Changing langid of mshop_text table
Checking column "langid": OK
Changing "langid" & "mshop_locale_language.id" columns
Checking table "mshop_customer_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_locale": OK
Checking table "mshop_media": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_tag": OK
Checking table "mshop_supplier_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_text": OK
Checking table "mshop_locale_language": OK
Adding columns to table "mshop_order_base"
Checking column "comment": OK
Adding columns to table "mshop_discount"
Adding columns to table "mshop_discount_code"
Renaming column "discount" to "rebate"
Checking table "mshop_price" OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base" OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product" OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service" OK
Renaming order constraints
Checking constraint "pk_ordba_id": OK
Checking constraint "pk_msordad_id": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msordad_baseid_domain": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordad_orderid": OK
Checking constraint "pk_msordpr_id": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordpr_baseid": OK
Checking constraint "pk_msorddi_id": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msorddi_baseid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msorddi_ordprodid": OK
Checking constraint "pk_msordse_id": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msordse_bid_dn_code": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordse_baseid": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msordseat_ordservid_code": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordseat_ordservid": OK
Renaming discount tables
Adding mtime, ctime, editor columns to coupon tables
Checking table "mshop_coupon"
Checking table "mshop_coupon_code"
Checking table "mshop_order_base_coupon"
Rename "couponid" to "parentid" in table "mshop_coupon_code"
Checking column "couponid" OK
Removing locale constraints from coupon tables
Migrating configuration keys in coupon tables OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_coupon tables
Checking index "unq_mscouco_sid_code": OK
Checking index "idx_mscou_stat_start_end": OK
Checking index "idx_mscouco_count_start_end": OK
Checking index "idx_mscouco_code": OK
Checking index "unq_mscouco_code_siteid": OK
Adding columns to table "mshop_customer"
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "code": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "salutation": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "company": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "title": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "firstname": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "lastname": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "address1": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "address2": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "address3": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "postal": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "city": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "state": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "langid": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "countryid": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "telephone": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "email": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "telefax": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "website": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "birthday": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "password": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "ctime": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer" for column "mtime": OK
Adding "vatid" column to customer address tables
Checking "mshop_customer" table OK
Checking "mshop_customer_address" table OK
Adding verification date column to table "mshop_customer" OK
Allow NULL in table "mshop_customer_address"
Checking column "langid" OK
Checking column "countryid" OK
Migrating subject tables
Checking table "mshop_subject_customer": OK
Checking table "mshop_subject_supplier": OK
Checking table "mshop_subject_common_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_subject": OK
Renaming customer constraints
Checking constraint "fk_mscust_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mscust_langid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mscustaddr_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mscustaddr_refid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mscustaddr_langid": OK
Rename "refid" to "parentid" in table "mshop_customer_address"
Checking column "refid" OK
Changing customer unique constraint
Checking constraint "unq_mscus_sid_code": OK
Allow NULL for "countryid" in table "mshop_customer" OK
Changing length of "langid" in table "mshop_customer" OK
Removing locale constraints from customer tables
Modifying indexes in mshop_customer tables
Checking index "fk_mscusli_pid": OK
Checking index "fk_mscusli_parentid": OK
Checking index "unq_mscusli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm": OK
Drop text index without domain in mshop_index_text table
Checking index "idx_msindte_p_s_lt_la_ty_va": OK
Removing locale constraints from job tables
Adding config column to all list tables
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_price_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_list": OK
Adding status column to all list tables
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_price_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_list": OK
Changing list ids to NOT NULL
Checking table "mshop_text_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_customer_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list_type": OK
Adding siteid to locale tables
Changing table "mshop_locale_currency": OK
Changing table "mshop_locale_language": OK
Change locale siteid foreign key constraints
Checking constraint "fk_msloccu_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mslocla_siteid": OK
Changing size of column label for locale tables
Checking table "mshop_locale_site" for label": OK
Checking table "mshop_locale_language" for label": OK
Checking table "mshop_locale_currency" for label": OK
Changing PRIMARY KEYS for locale
Checking table "mshop_locale_currency" for PRIMARY": OK
Checking table "mshop_locale_language" for PRIMARY": OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_locale tables
Checking index "fk_mslocla_siteid": OK
Checking index "idx_mslocla_sid_status": OK
Removing locale site "currencyid" column
Checking table "mshop_locale_site": OK
Removing locale constraints from log tables
Adding domain column to media table
Checking column "domain": OK
Adding preview column to media table
Checking column "preview": OK
Changing typeid of mshop_media table OK
Removing locale constraints from media tables
Modifying indexes in mshop_media tables
Checking index "fk_msmedli_pid": OK
Checking index "fk_msmedli_parentid": OK
Checking index "unq_msmedli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm": OK
Adding langid and prodid columns to order tables
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": OK
Adding addrid column to order address table
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": OK
Adding "vatid" column to order base address tables
Checking "mshop_order_base_address" table OK
Add column type to order attribute tables
Checking "mshop_order_base_product_attr" table OK
Checking "mshop_order_base_service_attr" table OK
Adding product ID to order base product table
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Add oderprodid and type to order base product
Checking column "ordprodid": OK
Checking column "type": OK
Adding warehouse code to order base product table OK
Renaming in "mshop_order_base_service" column "label" to "name".
Checking column "label": OK
Adding column to table "mshop_order_base_service"
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service" for column "mediaurl": OK
Adding service ID to order base service table
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Change order siteid foreign key constraints
Checking constraint "fk_msord_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordba_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordbaad_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordbapr_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordbaprat_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordbase_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordbaseat_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msordst_siteid": OK
Adding name column to order product attribute table
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr": OK
Migrating order address salutations
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": OK
Adding tax column to order tables
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Adding tax flag to order tables
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Adding attrid column to order attribute tables
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service_attr": OK
Changing attribute value type in order domain
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service_attr": OK
Renaming order base product label
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Adding columns to table "mshop_order_base_product"
Checking column "mediaurl": OK
Allow NULL in table "mshop_order_base_address"
Checking column "langid" OK
Checking column "countryid" OK
Changing collation in mshop_order_base_product
Checking column "prodcode": OK
Checking column "suppliercode": OK
Changing default value from column "mtime" to "NOT NULL"
Checking table "mshop_order_base" OK
Checking table "mshop_order" OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address" OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product" OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr" OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_coupon" OK
Drop old indexes in order attribute tables
Checking index "idx_msordbaprat_sid_oid_cd_val" OK
Checking index "idx_msordbaseat_sid_oid_cd_val" OK
Delete foreign keys to locale domain in mshop order tables
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Checking table "mshop_order": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service_attr": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_status": OK
Drop old pay date indexes in mshop_order table
Checking index "idx_msord_sid_pdate_pstat_dstat": OK
Checking index "idx_msord_sid_mtime": OK
Migrating order emailflag colum to order status list
Fixing order email status values OK
Migrating order flags to order status list
Migrating order type
Checking table "mshop_order": OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_order tables
Checking index "unq_msordbapr_bid_pos": OK
Checking index "idx_msord_sid_pstat_dstat_pdate": OK
Checking index "idx_msord_pdate_pstat_dstat": OK
Checking index "idx_msord_pstat_dstat_email": OK
Checking index "idx_msord_pstat_dstat_flag": OK
Checking index "idx_msordbaad_bid_typ_sid": OK
Checking index "idx_msordbapr_bid_pcd_sid": OK
Checking index "idx_msordbaprat_oid_cd_val_sid": OK
Checking index "idx_msordbase_bid_cd_typ_sid": OK
Checking index "idx_msordbaseat_oid_cd_val_sid": OK
Adding type to unique index to "mshop_order_base_product_attr" OK
Renaming order base customercode to customerid
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Renaming order base product amount to quantity
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Renaming order columns pdate,ddate,dstatus,pstatus
Checking columne "ddate": OK
Checking columne "pdate": OK
Checking columne "pstatus": OK
Checking columne "dstatus": OK
Renaming order domain
Checking table "mshop_order": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Renaming shipping to costs
Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK
Adding name to order service attribute table OK
Adding type to unique index to "mshop_order_base_service_attr" OK
Adding position column to mshop_plugin table OK
Adding constraint for table mshop_plugin
Checking constraint "fk_msplu_typeid": OK
Removing locale constraints from plugin tables
Adding domain column to price table
Checking column "domain": OK
Adding label column to price table
Checking column "label": OK
Remove unused indexes in mshop_price table
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_currid": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_quantity": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_value": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_shipping": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_rebate": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_taxrate": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_mtime": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_ctime": OK
Checking index "idx_mspri_sid_editor": OK
Renaming price constraints
Checking constraint "fk_mspr_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mspr_typeid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mspr_curid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_msprty_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msprty_sid_dom_code": OK
Removing locale constraints from price tables
Renaming column "price" to "value"
Checking table "mshop_price" OK
Renaming shipping to costs
Checking table "mshop_price": OK
Adding config column to mshop_product OK
Adding typeid column to product table
Checking table "mshop_product": OK
Renameing product list constraint
Checking constraint "fk_msproli_parentid": OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_product tables
Checking index "fk_msproli_pid": OK
Checking index "unq_msprostwa_sid_code": OK
Checking index "unq_msprost_sid_pid_wid": OK
Checking index "fk_msprosi_parentid": OK
Checking index "unq_msprosi_sid_pid": OK
Checking index "idx_mspro_sid_start_end_stat": OK
Checking index "fk_msproli_parentid": OK
Checking index "unq_msproli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm": OK
Checking index "unq_msprostwa_code_sid": OK
Checking index "unq_msprost_pid_sid_wid": OK
Checking index "unq_msprosi_pid_sid": OK
Rename "prodid" to "parentid" in table "mshop_product_stock"
Checking column "prodid" OK
Adding label and status columns
Changing code from "product" to "default" in "mshop_product_type" OK
Changing typeid column of product table
Checking table "mshop_product": OK
Removing locale constraints from product tables
Migrating product property domain to "product" OK
Remove listflag from mshop_product table
Adding constraint for table mshop_product_tag
Adding label and status columns for product warehouse
Removing locale constraints from service tables
Renameing service list constraint
Checking constraint "fk_msserli_aid": OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_service tables
Checking index "fk_msserli_pid": OK
Checking index "fk_msserli_parentid": OK
Checking index "unq_msserli_aid_sid_tid_rid_dm": OK
Adding "vatid" column to supplier address tables
Checking "mshop_supplier_address" table OK
Adding code column to mshop_supplier OK
Renaming supplier constraints
Checking constraint "fk_mssupp_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mssuppaddr_refid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mssuppaddr_siteid": OK
Checking constraint "fk_mssuppaddr_langid": OK
Altering type of supplier_address id OK
Allow NULL in table "mshop_supplier_address"
Checking column "langid" OK
Checking column "countryid" OK
Rename "refid" to "parentid" in table "mshop_supplier_address"
Checking column "refid" OK
Removing locale constraints from supplier tables
Moving product tag tables to own domain
Moving table "mshop_product_tag_type" OK
Moving table "mshop_product_tag" OK
Changing mshop_text.text to mshop_text.content OK
Adding label to mshop text table OK
Changing typeid of mshop_text table OK
Removing locale constraints from text tables
Modifying indexes in mshop_text tables
Checking index "fk_mstexli_pid": OK
Checking index "fk_mstexli_parentid": OK
Checking index "unq_mstexli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm": OK
Adding parentid column to catalog and locale_site
Checking parentid column in "mshop_catalog" OK
Checking parentid column in "mshop_locale_site" OK
Add column 'domain' to mshop_*_type
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_option_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_type": OK
Renaming type constraints
Checking constraint "unq_msattty_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msmedty_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_mstexty_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msattlity_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_mscatlity_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msmedlity_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msproty_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msprolity_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msprotaty_sid_dom_code": OK
Checking constraint "unq_msserlity_sid_dom_code": OK
Creating base tables
Using tables from locale.sql
Checking table "mshop_locale_site": created
Checking table "mshop_locale_language": created
Checking table "mshop_locale_currency": created
Checking table "mshop_locale": created
Checking index "mshop_locale_site.idx_mslocsi_nleft_nright": created
Checking index "mshop_locale_site.idx_mslocsi_level_status": created
Checking index "mshop_locale_language.idx_mslocla_status": created
Checking index "mshop_locale_language.idx_mslocla_label": created
Checking index "mshop_locale_currency.idx_msloccu_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_curid": created
Checking index "mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_pos": created
Checking index "mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_editor": created
Using tables from attribute.sql
Checking table "mshop_attribute_type": created
Checking table "mshop_attribute": created
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_type.idx_msattty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_type.idx_msattty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_type.idx_msattty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_label": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_pos": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list_type.idx_msattlity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list_type.idx_msattlity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list_type.idx_msattlity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_rid_dm_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_pos": created
Using tables from customer.sql
Checking table "mshop_customer": created
Checking table "mshop_customer_address": created
Checking table "mshop_customer_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_customer_list": created
Checking table "mshop_customer_group": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_langid": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_st_ln_fn": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_st_ad1_ad2": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_st_post_ci": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_lastname": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_address1": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_city": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_postal": created
Checking index "mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_email": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_ln_fn": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_ad1_ad2": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_post_ci": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_pid": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_lastname": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_postal": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_city": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_addr1": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_email": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list_type.idx_mscuslity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list_type.idx_mscuslity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list_type.idx_mscuslity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_pos": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_customer_group.idx_mscusgr_sid_label": created
Using tables from media.sql
Checking table "mshop_media_type": created
Checking table "mshop_media": created
Checking table "mshop_media_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_media_list": created
Checking index "mshop_media_type.idx_msmedty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_media_type.idx_msmedty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_media_type.idx_msmedty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_status_langid": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_langid": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_label": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_mime": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_link": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list_type.idx_msmedlity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list_type.idx_msmedlity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list_type.idx_msmedlity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_pos": created
Using tables from order.sql
Checking table "mshop_order_base": created
Checking table "mshop_order": created
Checking table "mshop_order_base_address": created
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": created
Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr": created
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": created
Checking table "mshop_order_base_service_attr": created
Checking table "mshop_order_base_coupon": created
Checking table "mshop_order_status": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base.idx_msordba_scode_custid": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base.idx_msordba_sid_custid": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base.idx_msordba_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_mtime_pstat": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_mtime_dstat": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_type": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_pdate": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_ddate": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_dstatus": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_sid_bid_typ": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_lname": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_addr1": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_postal": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_city": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_email": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_product.idx_msordbapr_sid_bid_pcd": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_product.idx_msordbapr_sid_ct_pid_bid": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_product_attr.idx_msordbaprat_si_oi_ty_cd_va": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_product_attr.idx_msordbaprat_si_cd_va": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_service.idx_msordbase_sid_bid_cd_typ": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_service.idx_msordbase_sid_code_type": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_service_attr.idx_msordbaseat_si_oi_ty_cd_va": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_service_attr.idx_msordbaseat_si_cd_va": created
Checking index "mshop_order_base_coupon.idx_msordbaco_sid_bid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_order_status.idx_msordstatus_val_sid": created
Using tables from plugin.sql
Checking table "mshop_plugin_type": created
Checking table "mshop_plugin": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin_type.idx_mspluty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin_type.idx_mspluty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin_type.idx_mspluty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_provider": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_editor": created
Using tables from price.sql
Checking table "mshop_price_type": created
Checking table "mshop_price": created
Checking table "mshop_price_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_price_list": created
Checking index "mshop_price_type.idx_msprity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_price_type.idx_msprity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_price_type.idx_msprity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_status_currencyid": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_currid": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_quantity": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_value": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_costs": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_rebate": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_taxrate": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_domain": created
Checking index "mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list_type.idx_msprility_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list_type.idx_msprility_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list_type.idx_msprility_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_pos": created
Using tables from product.sql
Checking table "mshop_product_type": created
Checking table "mshop_product": created
Checking table "mshop_product_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_product_list": created
Checking table "mshop_product_property_type": created
Checking table "mshop_product_property": created
Checking table "mshop_product_stock_warehouse": created
Checking table "mshop_product_stock": created
Checking index "mshop_product_type.idx_msproty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_product_type.idx_msproty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_product_type.idx_msproty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_stat_st_end": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_id_sid_stat_st_end": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list_type.idx_msprolity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list_type.idx_msprolity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list_type.idx_msprolity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_pos": created
Checking index "mshop_product_property_type.idx_msproprty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_product_property_type.idx_msproprty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_product_property_type.idx_msproprty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_product_property.idx_mspropr_sid_value": created
Checking index "mshop_product_property.idx_mspropr_sid_langid": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_stocklevel": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_backdate": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_editor": created
Using tables from service.sql
Checking table "mshop_service_type": created
Checking table "mshop_service": created
Checking table "mshop_service_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_service_list": created
Checking index "mshop_service_type.idx_msserty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_service_type.idx_msserty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_service_type.idx_msserty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_prov": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_pos": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list_type.idx_msserlity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list_type.idx_msserlity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list_type.idx_msserlity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_pos": created
Using tables from supplier.sql
Checking table "mshop_supplier": created
Checking table "mshop_supplier_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_supplier_list": created
Checking table "mshop_supplier_address": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier.idx_mssup_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list_type.idx_msuplity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list_type.idx_msuplity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list_type.idxmsuplity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_pos": created
Checking index "mshop_supplier_address.idx_mssupad_sid_rid": created
Using tables from text.sql
Checking table "mshop_text_type": created
Checking table "mshop_text": created
Checking table "mshop_text_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_text_list": created
Checking index "mshop_text_type.idx_mstexty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_text_type.idx_mstexty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_text_type.idx_mstexty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_status_langid": created
Checking index "mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_lid": created
Checking index "mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_label": created
Checking index "mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_cont": created
Checking index "mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list_type.idx_mstexlity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list_type.idx_mstexlity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list_type.idx_mstexlity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_pos": created
Using tables from coupon.sql
Checking table "mshop_coupon": created
Checking table "mshop_coupon_code": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_provider": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_editor": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_ct_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_mtime": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_ctime": created
Checking index "mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_editor": created
Using tables from catalog.sql
Checking table "mshop_catalog": created
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list_type": created
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog.idx_mscat_sid_nlt_nrt_lvl_pid": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog.idx_mscat_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list_type.idx_mscatlity_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list_type.idx_mscatlity_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list_type.idx_mscatlity_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_rid_dm_tid": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_pos": created
Using tables from tag.sql
Checking table "mshop_tag_type": created
Checking table "mshop_tag": created
Checking index "mshop_tag_type.idx_mstagty_sid_status": created
Checking index "mshop_tag_type.idx_mstagty_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_tag_type.idx_mstagty_sid_code": created
Checking index "mshop_tag.idx_mstag_sid_label": created
Checking index "mshop_tag.idx_mstag_sid_langid": created
Using tables from index.sql
Checking table "mshop_index_attribute": created
Checking table "mshop_index_catalog": created
Checking table "mshop_index_price": created
Checking table "mshop_index_text": created
Checking index "mshop_index_attribute.idx_msindat_s_at_lt": created
Checking index "mshop_index_attribute.idx_msindat_p_s_lt_t_c": created
Checking index "mshop_index_catalog.idx_msindca_s_ca_lt_po": created
Checking index "mshop_index_price.idx_msindpr_s_lt_cu_ty_va": created
Checking index "mshop_index_price.idx_msindpr_p_s_lt_cu_ty_va": created
Checking index "mshop_index_text.idx_msindte_value": created
Checking index "mshop_index_text.idx_msindte_sid": created
Checking index "mshop_index_text.idx_msindte_p_s_lt_la_ty_do_va": created
Move list types to separate table
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_option_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK
Add locale data for languages and currencies
Adding data for MShop locale languages 188/188
Adding data for MShop locale currencies 156/156
Adding data for MShop locale domain
Adding data for MShop locale sites done
Adding data for MShop locales done
Adding locale data if not yet present OK
Setting locale to "default" OK
Rename "refid" to "parentid" in table "users_address"
Checking column "refid" OK
Creating Aimeos Laravel user tables
Using tables from customer.sql
Checking table "users": OK
Checking table "users_address": created
Checking table "users_list_type": created
Checking table "users_list": created
Checking index "users_address.idx_lvuad_pid": created
Checking index "users_address.idx_lvuad_ln_fn": created
Checking index "users_address.idx_lvuad_ad1_ad2": created
Checking index "users_address.idx_lvuad_post_ci": created
Checking index "users_address.idx_lvuad_city": created
Checking index "users_list_type.idx_lvulity_sid_status": created
Checking index "users_list_type.idx_lvulity_sid_label": created
Checking index "users_list_type.idx_lvulity_sid_code": created
Checking index "users_list.idx_lvuli_sid_stat_start_end": created
Checking index "users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid": created
Checking index "users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_start": created
Checking index "users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_end": created
Checking index "users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_pos": created
Checking index "users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_tid": created
Migrating catalog suggest tables
Checking table "mshop_catalog_suggest": OK
Renaming in "madmin_job" column "user" to "editor".
Checking column "user": OK
Converting "madmin_job" to InnoDB". OK
Changing typeid to not allow NULL values
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list": OK
Changing site ID to NULL in madmin_log
Changing table "madmin_log": OK
Modifying indexes in madmin_log table
Checking index "idx_malog_facility_time_prio": OK
Checking index "idx_malog_timestamp": OK
Change order coupon siteid foreign key constraints
Checking constraint "fk_msordbaco_siteid": changed
Modifying indexes in mshop_order_base_coupon tables
Checking index "fk_msordbaco_baseid": OK
Checking index "idx_msordbaco_bid_code_sid": OK
Changing coupon code columns
Checking table "mshop_coupon_code": OK
Checking table "mshop_order_base_coupon": OK
Delete foreign keys to locale domain in mshop order tables
Checking table "mshop_order_base_coupon":
Checking constraint "fk_msordbaco_siteid": OK
Renaming plugin domain
Checking table "mshop_plugin": OK
Adding label column to mshop_plugin table OK
Migrating "Complete" to "BasketLimits" plugin
Migrating "minorder" OK
Migrating "minproducts" OK
Migrating "Complete" OK
Migrating configuration of "Complete" plugin OK
Migrating configuration of "ProductLimit" plugin OK
Adding typeid column to price table
Checking column "typeid": OK
Changing warehouseid column in mshop_product_stock OK
Migrating product text and media tables to list
Checking table "mshop_product_package": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_package_text": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_package_price": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_package_stock": OK
Migrate suppliercode in mshop_product OK
Changing typeid column in mshop_product_tag table
Checking table "mshop_product_tag": OK
Migrating product text and media tables to list
Checking table "mshop_product_text": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_media": OK
Migrating service price table to list
Checking table "mshop_service_price": OK
Renaming service domain
Checking table "mshop_service": OK
Renaming service configuration OK
Migrating service text table
Checking table "mshop_service_text": OK
Changing site ID to NOT NULL in Aimeos Coupon Extension
Changing table "mshop_coupon": OK
Changing table "mshop_coupon_code": OK
Changing table "mshop_order_base_coupon": done
Changing site ID to NOT NULL in MAdmin section
Changing table "madmin_job": OK
Creating admin tables
Using tables from cache.sql
Checking table "madmin_cache": created
Checking table "madmin_cache_tag": created
Checking index "madmin_cache.idx_majob_expire": created
Using tables from log.sql
Checking table "madmin_log": created
Checking index "madmin_log.idx_malog_sid_time_facility_prio": created
Using tables from job.sql
Checking table "madmin_job": created
Checking index "madmin_job.idx_majob_ctime": created
Using tables from queue.sql
Checking table "madmin_queue": created
Checking index "madmin_queue.idx_maque_queue_cname_rtime": created
Setting label and status values
Checking table "mshop_attribute_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_media_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_plugin_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_product_tag_type": n/a
Checking table "mshop_product_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_service_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_list_type": OK
Checking table "mshop_text_type": OK
Adding MShop type data for site "default"
Checking "attribute/type" type data 7/7
Checking "attribute/lists/type" type data 8/8
Checking "catalog/lists/type" type data 10/10
Checking "customer/lists/type" type data 5/5
Checking "media/type" type data 8/8
Checking "media/lists/type" type data 7/7
Checking "plugin/type" type data 1/1
Checking "price/type" type data 3/3
Checking "price/lists/type" type data OK
Checking "product/type" type data 3/3
Checking "product/lists/type" type data 16/16
Checking "product/property/type" type data 4/4
Checking "tag/type" type data 2/2
Checking "service/type" type data 2/2
Checking "service/lists/type" type data 8/8
Checking "supplier/lists/type" type data 4/4
Checking "text/type" type data 23/23
Checking "text/lists/type" type data 7/7
Adding default code data for site "default"
Checking "customer/group" codes 1/1
Checking "product/stock/warehouse" codes 1/1
Processing product demo data added
Processing catalog demo data added
Processing coupon demo data added
Processing customer demo data added
Processing service demo data added
Rebuilding index for demo data done
Adding default plugin data
Adding data for MShop plugins 11/11
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan aimeos:cache
Clearing the Aimeos cache for site "default"
add resources/views/app.blade.php
http://localhost/projects/laravel5/webshop/public/list Its Works!!!
php artisan cache:clear
To use the admin interface, you have to set up Laravel authentication first. Please follow the Laravel documentation to create the necessary code:
D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan make:auth
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/login.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/register.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/emails/password.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/home.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/welcome.blade.php
Installed HomeController.
Updated Routes File.
Authentication scaffolding generated successfully!
http://localhost/projects/laravel5/webshop/public/login Its works!!
php artisan aimeos:account test@test.local --admin
>php artisan aimeos:account test@test.local --admin
> (123)
Add "admin" privilege to user "test@test.local" for sites
- default
As a last step, you need to extend the boot() method of your App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider
http://localhost/projects/laravel5/webshop/public/admin Its Works!!!
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