2014. december 28., vasárnap

using DropzoneJS

links:https://github.com/enyo/dropzone/wiki/FAQhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/17872417/integrating- ... http://p.ost.im/jgeQCk

2014. december 20., szombat

Display all SQL executed in Eloquent

Put this in your routes.php file and you will see the SQL that Eloquent is executing when you go to pages that ha ... http://p.ost.im/jqXrY7

Laravel Eloquent ORM and Query Builder

Using Query Builder is easy way and complicated writing.I had thought that I couldn't use Eloquent ORM for co ... http://p.ost.im/jQsj5K

Laravel relationships

Visualizing Laravel relationships : http://matthewhailwood.co.nz/visualizing-laravel-relationships/ ... http://p.ost.im/jx3j4j

2014. december 19., péntek

You have everything

You have everything.You need nothing.NOTHING reminds you to enjoyeverything you already have.site: ... http://p.ost.im/jVemej

2014. december 16., kedd

Laravel Shop tutorial

The first tutorial in “Building a shop” series is going to be a practical example of implementing a rating/re ... http://p.ost.im/j9TErj

PHP Static vs Non-static methods, Laravel

Why use static method in PHP's laravel model class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24879567/why-use-static-me ... http://p.ost.im/juqjK6

2014. december 14., vasárnap

Great Digital Products Don’t Happen By Accident.

The right team — Multi-disciplinary, constrained in size, experienced, mutual learning mindset, given focus ... http://p.ost.im/jaWfcf

2014. december 12., péntek

Sending mail with Laravel

PostfixIf you use Postfix on your server you have to change  config mail.php// 'driver' = 'smtp','dr ... http://p.ost.im/j9PS5k

2014. december 11., csütörtök

Beauty Flash messages in Laravel

If you need easy, beauty Flash message box in Laravel you have to use this packegelink: https://github.com/la ... http://p.ost.im/jCeSnb

2014. december 9., kedd

Mennyit keres egy programozó Magyarországon?

Idézet: Mivel a kutatásunk kitöltőinek jelentős része webre fejleszt, nem meglepő, hogy a használt progra ... http://p.ost.im/jusKqc

2014. december 8., hétfő

Laravel project installation

I got this error:  "Mcrypt PHP extension required. "Solution:$: sudo php5enmod mcrypt$: sudo /etc/ini ... http://p.ost.im/jkmmJ9

2014. december 7., vasárnap

No Future - Nincs jövő - 2030-ra az emberiség lehúzhatja a rolót

Ha a jelenlegi, tékozló „fejlődést” produkálja a világ, akkor nagyjából 17 év múlva az emberiség ... http://p.ost.im/jNDnAN

Kotta tanulás tip

hangok megjegyzése:Violinkulcs, G-kulcs rajzolása a 2. vonalon kezdődik: 2. vonalon a G.Első vonal: ... http://p.ost.im/jkQxye

Advanced Routing and Filters in Laravel

I think you are interested in more than Basic Routing, let's go deeper into routing concept in Laravel framework. ... http://p.ost.im/jyuUAk

2014. december 5., péntek

2014. december 4., csütörtök