There was a huge famine in the forest, the animals were starving and they were desperate. One day, as the Bunny was walking down a path, he found a big basket of beautiful, large eggs right in the middle of the road. He counted the eggs: there were 20 of them! He was so happy! But there was no way he could have cooked more than one egg in his tiny bunny pan. So he headed towards the Bears' house to borrow his pan.As he went down the road, he thought: "with this famine going on, the Bear will certainly want some of the eggs in exchange for his pan. Oh that's fair, even if he wants 5 eggs I'll still have 15!""But what If he will want 10?" he thought. "That's alright, 10 eggs will be enough for me."As he was getting closer to the Bears' house he kept worrying: "what if he wants 15? But what if he wants all of them!?!?"He knocked on the Bear's door. The Bear opened the door and the Bunny yelled:"Hey, Bear, you know what!?! Fuck you and your damned pan!!!"