2014. november 7., péntek

A bank loan

There was a loan officer at a bank named Patty Mack. Patty Mack was an excellent loan officer; she had spent 15 years there with a sterling record. One Tuesday morning, Patty is sitting at her desk when a frog hops into the bank. The frog hops up to Miss Mack's desk, introduces himself as Mr. Frog, and asks if she can help him with a loan. Miss Mack doesn't bat an eye, asks Mr. Frog to sit down and asks him how much money he would like to get his loan for.Mr Frog says confidently, "I need $25,000 to get my business off the ground.""Alright Mr. Frog, that shouldn't be a problem", Patty responded ", do you have a line of credit with us or an open account?""Unfortunately, I have neither", he croaked."Well don't worry too much Mr. Frog, if you have any valuable collateral we should still be able to provide you your loan. Do you own a house or property you would be willing to put up?"The frog sat and thought for a few seconds before responding, "I do not have any property or a house, but I do own something that would surely work! I'll return shortly ma'am!" With that, the frog quickly hopped out of the bank.Less than 20 minutes later, the frog had returned with a small sack. He hopped up to Miss Patty's desk and confidently pulled out a wind-up mouse toy. Without a word, he wound the toy up and the little plastic mouse scooted across the desk and fell in the floor. Patty was unsure of what to make of this, was the frog making a joke? Unsure of his motives and unwilling to insult a customer, Miss Mack tells the frog she will need to call the president of the bank over to make a decision."Is that really necessary?!" exclaimed the frog, "This should be more than enough collateral!""I'm sorry Mr. Frog, but I cannot approve a loan with such an... unconventional offer."A few moments later, the president of the bank walks up and introduces himself. He asks for a demonstration and quietly observes the frog once again wind up the toy, letting it putter off the side of Miss Mack's desk.The bank president stood there for what seemed like a lifetime, holding the toy mouse in his hand and examining it carefully. He finally hands the toy mouse to Miss Mack, turns his back, and says "It's a nicknack, Patty Mack; give the frog a loan!"