2014. július 2., szerda

Which place is best for a 6 day vacation: Japan, Taiwan, or the Philippines?

Hey guys, I'm looking to take a vacation around August 5th for about 6 or 7 days and I'll probably end up in one of these countries. The reason that I've chosen these countries is because I live in Korea now and the flights to these places are relatively cheap from here.

I'm looking for a place where I can do a little bit of everything: trying awesome new food, seeing some beautiful scenery (preferably with a cold beer), experiencing a new culture, doing anything fun and/or adventurous, and a little bit of partying as well.

Japan is the cheapest to fly to but I know that it's very expensive so I'm guessing that I would end up spending the most money if I decided to go there. Money isn't my main concern but it definitely factors into my decision. Any suggestions? What are your experiences like with these place? Has anyone been to all 3?