2014. július 2., szerda

Russian Visa Question

My boss has a yearlong business visa to Russia. It expires on July 12. He was waiting for an invitation so that he could get another business visa. I guess he was under the impression that his present visa had expired. So, then we received the invitation letter, and I then filled out the visa application, etc., etc. My boss was spazzing out, because he had expected the invitation letter a while ago, thought he needed the new visa, etc (even though he was fine to travel when he had planned, which was next week, through the 11th.

I brought all the paperwork down to the Visa place (Russian visas are through a company now). I had the paperwork filled out as if he was travelling this coming weekend, as he THOUGHT he needed to get the visa expedited.

The letter specified that the invitation started on the 7th. So, it would seem that there is overlap - old visa good through the 12th, new visa starts on the 7th.

And we were able to get the visa expedited - - so we are picking up the passport, w/ visa, on the 4th.

Now, he has changed his travel dates . . . will be travelling to Russia and arriving on Sunday. My question is, will be be allowed in the country? His "current" visa is through the 12th. The "new" one we just got starts on Monday. What do you think/ know?