2014. július 25., péntek

Planning a solo trip (3.5 weeks) in Western Europe, need some recommendations

So, I am planning a trip to London in September. I am going for a concert on the 26th, but I am planning on spending 3-4 weeks touring around as well. I need advice on where to go, good methods of travel, any small/cool things I might otherwise miss.

Initial plan: Right now I am thinking I will fly to London, spend a day or two there (it's not my favorite city and I've already seen most of the tourist stuff), then fly to Copenhagen for a few days, then fly to Amsterdam for a few days. What I don't know is what I'll do in between Amsterdam and flying back to London for the concert. I have considered going to Nantes, France for a couple of days to stay with some old friends, but it seems like the time/money commitment to get there might not be worth it.

I have been to: Scotland (Glasgow, Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival, Inverness, rural areas), Ireland (all over including lots of rural places, I loved it but I've done it), England (just London), France (10 months in the Pays de la Loire, Paris, Nice, some others), Italy (all over), Finland (Helsinki, Tampere, Jyvaskyla, some others), Sweden (Stockholm), Estonia (Tallinn), Spain (San Sebastian and the Pyranees).

My main interests: Architecture and urban design. I have seen enough Christian cathedrals to last me forever, but I'm always interested in visiting famous works, particularly modern. In Finland I saw a lot of Aalto, in Italy a lot of Scarpa - loved both! Renzo Piano is my favorite famous architect (though I've been to the Pompidou and I'm not a fan). I also like visiting/studying small towns, but cities are great, too. I'd like to get a balance. In Italy I spent a lot of time sitting in and drawing piazzas, I liked that. And I love a good romantic and/or gothic castle. I travel to see places, not to party (no hate but it's not my scene).

About me: 26, female, introverted with mild anxiety and mild social phobia. I've spent ~1.5 years in Europe and have traveled solo before, so I feel pretty comfortable with that part of things. I speak English and French, I like to visit places where I can talk to people easily, but it's far from a main concern.

My budget/expectations: Since I am taking unpaid time off to do this, I'd like to maximize my time and money as much as possible. I love traveling by train, but I'm not interested in spending half my time in transit. I'll pay more a flight if it means I get an extra day in a city. I plan to stay primarily in hostels, would consider couchsurfing but I'm a bit nervous (though I have hosted). I'm also vegan and I'll go out of my way to eat at a good vegan restaurants, if you have any to recommend. I prefer just going and winging it, but due to the time constraints, I want to plan more. I am not afraid of getting lost or being confused while traveling. My main fear while traveling is being assaulted, and I don't like feeling vulnerable.

My questions: Where to go? What to see? Cities I should consider that I haven't, or methods of travel? Resources for travel planning? I would love to see the Alps, but they're pretty far away and I'm not sure how to fit that in.

Thanks in advance!