Hi /r/travel ers, My company, which shall remain unnamed, has asked me to gather information regarding a new secret project that we are looking to undertake. We currently provide resources for Japanese citizens who come here (Vancouver, BC, Canada), and we're looking to providing similar resources and support to people looking to go to Japan from this end (no requirement to be Canadian, but proximity to Vancouver is, well, helpful).
I have created a simple survey, should only take 5 minutes, if you could take the time to fill it out, regardless of where you are, your experience would be so helpful to me, and if you don't have the time to fill that out but have anything to share, please consider leaving a comment! I have been informed that surveys don't do well on this sub, and if you are vehemently opposed to surveys, I apologize for offending you.
I really appreciate any responses!
Link to survey here