Hello. I found an excellent fare from West Coast USA to the UK for around $1200 Considering it's summer I was quite excited. However, I checked into the people you'd have to book it through Bookairfare, faregeek, faredepot, flighthub, hop2, studentuniverse, or for slightly more TravelPapa. It's strange because it's the cheapest rate I've been able to find, and I've been looking for the past 4 months. The trip is in a week from now.
This is a much better fare than I've been able to find in months. However, I"m reluctant to book it due to the poor reviews on these sites, the fact that expedia lists the flight as being $2,000, the fact that a one way ticket that comprises part of this ticket is $1800 on the carriers site, etc.
Should I take the risk here? Is it almost certainly a scam?