2014. július 27., vasárnap

Eastern Seaboard drive north to south and back, need advice immediately! The big chance to win back my love.

I need you r/travel, you're my only hope.

I want to take a last minute road trip in 4 day span. I want to stop randomly along the way and stop wherever the car takes us.

The kicker is that the love of my life and I have been rekindling an almost dead flame, we're both very busy people and this could be our last time to spend such a magical time together and experience the world. I have a pretty small budget, but I have a reliable car that gets 50mpg. I can drive a long way very fast on the highway fairly inexpensively, mountains are no problem. Would also prefer a quick way back, say to Toledo, OH!

Thanks in advance. This could truly be my big chance to win her back. I just need a plan and some names. Names will help build a plan.

This is the eye of the storm for me, I want to make the very best of it.