2014. július 27., vasárnap

1-Week Trip in September - Where to Go?

Hello - my wife and I have one week off from work in mid-September, and we would like to take a trip then. We just recently moved to the San Francisco Bay area, so we would be open to hearing what your suggestions are for travel from this area. Here are a few considerations:

About Us: We are both in our early 30s, no kids.

Location: We have already been to Portugal - Italy - Costa Rica - Hawaii - Peru - Chile together, so ideally we would like to not go to those places again. We only have a week so ideally we would not travel half-way around the world for this trip. A single long flight is fine though. Ideally we would like this to be an international trip, but trips within the US are fine too.

Length. Probably about a week.

Interests. We are pretty open-minded about where to go. Ideally we would like to go to a low-key city with interesting historical/cultural attractions, or somewhere where hiking and/or beaches are options (but not the only options).

Weather. Again, we are traveling in September, so please keep that in mind. We would like to avoid somewhere where the weather is bad during that time of year, but other than that we don't really have any requirements for the weather.

Thanks in advance for your help - please let me know if I can give you any other details.